Chapter 5: ".. you look like an angel?"

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The memory fades away as he took his towel off, exposing his lower waist and his v structure.

He entered the shower and goes under the warm water. He couldn't help but listen to Heather's whimpers from the bedroom. Remorse grew into his system yet he feels so relieved that he finally met his mate.

After deep thought in the shower he went back into the room finding Heather asleep on the bed. Knowing that if he's found sleeping with her as she wakes up it would make their relations worse than it already is.
Since she was asleep, he took out his dopple bag and placed on a grey colored v neck, pair of jeans and his leather jacket.

He leaves her asleep on the bed and comes back with chicken sandwiches and fresh clothes. A maroon colored sweater and new black lace underwear; which was the most interesting piece of clothing that Enzo brought for her.

Leaving the clothes on the counter, he left a note saying he went to go fill up the car and to stop snoring. Fifteen minutes after he left I finally woke up and scoffed at the note and underwear that turned my face red. I was in debate with the clothes but the sweater got to me and I couldn't help but try it on after I took a shower.

Having no choice I wore the underwear and decided to just sleep with it since my pants felt to tight. I grabbed one of the robes and headed downstairs to place my dirty clothes in the laundry room where a guy my age was using one of the machines.

We kept quiet till I found out that I was a quarter less. "Hey do you have any spare change? I need a quarter." I innocently ask him, and by that he gave me a smirk and said sure as he place the extra change in my hand.

"So has anyone told you that you look like an angel?" He asks out of the blue, "No." I just placed on a confusing smile, "Was that suppose to be a flirt?" I giggle. "Maybe."

I let out a fake laugh, "What's your name?" He asks, "Hmm, why should I tell you?" I flirtatiously smile (well he is a cutie). "Because I ask politely and let's just say it's for the quarter."

He scratches the back of his head and smiles. "It's Ash." I'm Clyde." They shook hands and out of no where there was a knock on the door.

"Hey what are you doing out of the room?" Enzo asks me.

"What does it look like genius?" I pressed the start button and said a quick goodbye to Clyde. I made my way towards his direction to the bedroom.

"Did you get anything to eat?" I asked him as we walk up the stairs, "I'm guessing you didn't look in the mini fridge genius." he held a brown bag of two cans of sprite and a bag of chips.

Once we got into the room I sat on the bed as he grabbed the sandwiches from the mini fridge. "Bon Appetite" he throws the sandwich in front of me as he sits next to me and digs in. I open the bag of chips and placed it in the center for us to reach into.

Then I grabbed the remote control and turned on the news. Finally taking a bite of the sandwich the news played me being almost killed but it doesn't show who caught me and why I'm missing. It also shows the remains of what once was my home.

My stomach felt light and I didn't feel hungry anymore. "I'm just gonna get some sleep." I kept my voice low and crawled under the blankets removing my robe. "Where am I gonna sleep?" he whines. "Just stay one sheet above me if you need a blanket." I used a part of my hair to cover most of my face and kept my breathing a slowly and calm pace for me to drift off to sleep.

Enzo knew that she wasn't asleep as he listens to her soft whimpering. He took a glance at her as her eyes squint tightly as if she is doing her best to fight back her tears. 'One day I'll have the chance to make you happy... just wait.'

He turns off the tv and left the bathroom light on so that way he doesn't get hurt in the dark. He checked the windows before heading into bed and took off his shirt and pants.. 'I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind..' He thinks to himself and smirks at the thought of having her someday.
He lays on his left side gazing at her brown hair.. "One day.." He mumbles and drifted off into sleep.

After a few hours of sleeping, the sun already was peaking through the buildings of the town, shining light though the window. They both were in each other's arms, Heather's arms was wrapped around Enzo's chest and Enzo's arms was doing the same yet he kept his hands on her soft brown hair that was at mid length.

Heather let out a small sigh and snuggled more deeply into Enzo's chest making him wince a little and wake up to Heather's embrace. The view made him smile and he placed a strand of her hair behind her left ear.

He placed a soft kiss on her head and went to the bathroom to get ready to bring breakfast to her.

I woke up a few minutes later when Enzo went to bring breakfast which says on the note placed on the nightstand. Dragging myself into the bathroom, I splash some cold water on my face to wake myself up and think of a plan to do.

"Should I go with him and find out more about him or should I just go to the police like a normal person would?" I thought to myself I look into the mirror.

Then the memory of my eyes popped into my head and it made me think how I could do that again.
I gripped onto the corners of the sink and stared deeply into my eyes that reflects from the mirror.

After a minute or two nothing happened so I just tried again and gave up on my third try. "What am I doing? Why am I so stupid of trying something like this?" I thought to myself again and made my way back into the other room remembering how I left my clothes back downstairs in the laundry room.

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