Chapter 17: "You."

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It's only been a few months but it feels like years, Mr. Knight has been teaching me things that I would learn at school and I've been avoiding any possible interactions with Enzo or whoever is sleeping in one of the rooms in the top floor.

Everything's been just quiet and lonely. I should be used to this by now, it's what I've been craving since I left the pack house but now I kind a miss Mira's cooking and everyone's laughter about each other's stories and jokes.

I got off my bed and head downstairs where Mr. Knight waits for me at the sparing mat, "Ready up." he says to me. We both get into defense form and he takes the first swing which I avoid and take the chance to hit his right rib. He steps forward trying to avoid it but I hit him instantly causing him to groan. I took the advantage to slide my right foot causing him to fall back on the ground.

Instantly he got up and took a swing at me on the temple and kicked me on the right rib causing me to wince, "Come on Ash. You've got to be better than that." He says as he circles me like a shark in the dark ocean. I take the advantage and managed to pin him on the ground and given the open space to break his arm.

However, I let go knowing my punishment if I even do so and find another way to knock him out. One to the temple, to the nose, and with one hand on his neck he was out cold. In the background, I heard a clap with two individuals standing in the shadows. "Well done Ash. It's a nice start for today." Mr. Knight says as he stands next to Lord Fenrir.

"Of course we would still need to work on your lack of multi tasking." He says to me as I punch back the warmth coming from behind me. In seconds the figure fell to the ground with nothing but a twitch in his body. "You were saying." I say to him as I get a towel off the rack and began the next round of practice. It felt like hours that I was repeatedly beaten by Mr. Knight, there was some wins and a lot of loses but only because he did the disappearing act on me which made me bruised more than I could keep track of.

After a cold shower, I changed into some comfortable clothes and head to the library to do some studying or read anything interesting to prevent me from studying, "Mr. Knight, I thought that once I find my mate I should be able to shift. Why is it that I'm not allowed to see my mate? If I were to be the guardian of the royal family then why am I not allowed to shift and become stronger than I am before." I ask the man who stood behind me leaning against the dusty bookshelf.

"Well my dear, if you become separated from your mate or if something happen to your mate you would honestly lose control of your emotions causing you to kill everyone in sight." He says as if it was just another bed time story that you would tell a child. "So your telling me that if I have a mate and I lose him. I would become a lunatic?"

"Yes that's absolutely right." He says with a smile on his face. "Then why don't you protect him or make him be my partner in this situation?" I couldn't help but ask, "If that actually occur, you would chose to rather save your love than to protect the family of the royal blood. Now that would be just rude to do so." He says as he takes another book from the shelf.

"So I could never be with my mate?" I couldn't help but ask. "If you die, there's a possibility that you can." that was his last answer to me before he walked away. They always walk away.

I got out of the library and ran outside in the garden to burst into tears. This is the only reason why I'm still alive. What type of monster would not even let them see their own mate? How could they expect this type of being to be even created? Living a world on their own? That's so monstrous.

I stared up in the sky and watched the setting sun disappear past the clouds, the cold wind made goosebumps on my skin and my heart felt weak inside. "There's nothing for me to have left.

As Ash sat on the bench in the garden, in the air of the dark sky was Clyde looking down on her and was looking for anything that could give her hope. He flies to the mansion of lord Fenrir and shields himself from the sight and scent of any werewolf in the home.

He reaches the bedroom where Enzo slept and sent him a message through his dream of Enzo's beloved mate; Ash. He displayed a picture in Enzo's mind of how Ash's emotions feel which made him fully awake. "Heather." he whispers.

I laid on the bench with my heart fully broken by the facts and reality. That came to the point where I decided to run, there has to be an escape to this, no one deserves to live this way and I do not think I can live this type of way anymore.

So I ran, I ran far away to where my human legs could take me and it only felt like minutes when I found myself in the football field of my old school, where it all started. Through the unlocked doors of the athletic hall, I managed to find  a way inside the school without being detected.

Walking down the halls, I made my way up the second floor of the building and stood where I almost lost my life. I should of just lost my life. I leaned against the rails and placed my head on my arms as tears ran down my face.

I lost my family, I will never get the chance to see the love of my life with the royal family being in the way of it, and if I keep being the guardian of the royals then I would of just lost my mind right now. Moon Goddess, what have I done to even deserve much torture?

I look up at the skyline and take a deep breath, climbing over the rail I was suddenly being held again by the monster who threw me off in the first place. He had the same mask, same outfit and same smell that sent shivers throughtout my entire body.

"You." I growled through my grind teeth.

Currently in HellHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin