Small World- Part 2

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<P>           "Well, here we are..." Paul said awkwardly. I looked over at Jackie who was asleep with her head against the window. "We're here!" he repeated sternly, not looking back at me and tapping his fingers impatiently against the steering wheel. My eyes widened as I slowly replied to him.</P>

<P>           "I heard you Paul...Are you ok?" I cautiously asked.</P>

<P>           "Peachy. See you later." He said while waving at me, still looking down.</P>

<P>           "Paul, you were totally fine twenty minutes ago, what hap-"</P>

<P>           "I JUST told you I'm FINE! Seriously, didn't Anna say you needed to get home? Well i suggest you get out and do what she said." he snapped. I was absolutely speechless and staring at him with my mouth and eyes wide open. Silently, I opened the side door and walked out, slamming it shut. I didn't mean to slam it, but I was still shocked at Paul's explosion. Before Paul sped away in his car, I saw Jackie raise her head from the window and give me a puzzled look. I just ignored it and walked towards my apartment building.</P>

<P>           I rummaged through my bag looking for my keys and to my dismay, I realized I left them in Paul's car. Quickly, I took out my cell phone and sent Jackie a text telling her to take my keys and hold on to them. After I sent it, I called Anna. She quickly picked up and without hesitation, started baggering me with questions.         </P>

<P>           "Where are you? Seriosuly, what took you so long??"</P>

<P>           "Downstairs. I left my keys in Paul's car so could you please...hello?" She hung up on me. I stared at the phone in disbelief and scoffed. I figured she was coming down so I leaned against the metal door and stared into the street. The same street I've been living on since I was born. It hasn't changed one bit. There were cars parked along each side of the road, with no empty parking spot in sight. Cars rarely passed on my street, but if you walk down the block, you hit 5th avenue, which has stores and little restaurants everywhere you looked. The small buildings on my street were merely three stories high, and all of different colors. Some were made of dark red brick while some were even white. Trees made just enough shade on the sidewalk not to be scorched alive by the August sun, but let in just enough light that the street had a warm feeling to it. For a street in Brooklyn, it defiantly didn't feel like it. Suddenly somebody caught my eye...</P>

<P>           For a split second I thought I saw somebody that I recognized. I squinted my eyes to get a better view and it was, in fact, Mark. I felt a huge grin make its way onto my face and I felt my hands tingle. I realized he didn't notice me so I faked the loudest cough I possibly could. Suddenly, his head snapped in my direction and he smiled at me. I smiled back but before I could say anything, I felt the door behind me open. I spun around to see Anna standing in front of me.</P>

<P>           "Good, now come on!" she said while grabbing my arm. I looked back to find Mark, but he was nowhere to be seen. I suddenly felt a pang of disappointment and couldn't help but sigh.</P>

<P>           "What's wrong??" asked Anna as we made our way up the stairs to the third floor.</P>

<P>           "It's nothing...Paul just seemed really irritated when he dropped me off and he kind of...blew up on me..." I lied. Well it wasn't a complete lie. I was upset because of Paul but mostly it was Mark. Remembering when I met Mark, I realized I had his number and suddenly, I got excited. I'm definitely calling him when I'm alone. I felt my phone vibrate but decided to ignore it since I already entered my apartment. I slipped of my shoes and made my way to the living room, Anan following closely behind. I remember what she had told me when she called earlier. 'You won't be laughing when you get home...' I felt my palms get sweaty as I entered the living room and sat down on one of the couches. I felt my parents' eyes staring at me so I looked up to see their dismal eyes.</P>

<P>           "Is something wrong...?" I asked them.</P>

<P>           "Sweetie we have some news for you..." my dad finally spoke up. His voice didn't sound as sad as it did cautious. At this point I was very worried as to what they have in store.</P>

<P>           "Is something wrong?" I quickly asked.</P>

<P>           "No, its not that something is wrong... We just have news for you that I don't think you'll be too pleased with..." replied my dad.</P>

<P>           "Well I would appreciate if you just came out with it because I'm getting really worked up here." I said, impatiently tapping my foot.</P>

<P>           "We're moving." My mom said with absolutely no emotion or sympathy. She and I never had a good relationship, so I wasn't surprised that she told me so coldly.</P>

<P>           "What?? Why are we moving? Dad, you have a perfectly nice job here, why do we need to leave??" I knew I was rambling but I was just so shocked I didn't have time to formulate my thoughts into a normal question.</P>

<P>            "I got a better job offer elsewhere. Honey believe me, our life will be much better in our new home." Said my dad while sitting down next to me and putting his hand on my shoulder.</P>

<P>            "But daddy..." is all I said before my mom interrupted me.</P>

<P>            "That's not it, right Chris? Tell her..."</P>

<P>            "Mom maybe we..." Anna started saying before she got cut off,</P>

<P>            "She deserves to know." Said my mom.</P>

<P>            "Maybe we should wait until-" my dad started saying. At this point, the three of them were all talking over each other, debating whether or not to tell me...</P>

<P>            "GUYS!! Please can someone just say it! I think I have a right to know as much as Anna does!" I finally shouted over them.</P>

<P>            "She's right you know..." said my mom, sitting back in the couch, picking at her nails.</P>

<P>            My dad cautiously began talking. "Liz, I'm sorry to tell you this. I honestly don't know how to say it but your mother and I...well we're getting a divorce. That's why you, Anna and I are moving to Philadelphia. I found a big house we can all live in and afford with my new job's pay..." He tried to sound reassuring, but he knew it wasn't working. As soon as he finished talking, I felt my heart drop into my stomach. I couldn't breathe and I felt my eyes slowly well up with tears. I had no idea what to say so I just got up and ran to my room, slamming the door, yet again. Jumping onto my bed, I opened my phone to see who texted me earlier and saw one text from a number I didn't recognize. It read 'Sorry about your parents. But believe me when I say, you don't know HALF of it!' I threw the phone on the opposite side of my bed and sunk my head into my pillow, quietly crying.</P>

<P>            A million thoughts raced in my head. Why were they getting divorced in the first place? Why did my mom decide to live on her own? Who texted me and how did they know about my parents? What did they mean by 'I don't know the half of it'? I continued to cry as I heard whispers from the living room. I didn't pay attention to what they were saying, trying to calm myself down and before I knew it, I was fast asleep. </P>

<P><EM>I realize it wasn't the most EXHILARATING chapter, but the story needs time to work it's way towards the plot and scandals ;). I personally hate stories that get right into it because then there's no emotion or anything. Well I hope you enjoyed and i guarantee you, the next chapter will be a tad more exciting. <3</EM></P>

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<P><EM>Hope You Enjoyed <33 Please Comment and Vote :)) Write anything lol :)) </EM></P></EM></P>

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