What a beautiful Voice

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I have not been here to that long and chaos has already struck down on this household. It's a new day so let's see what today has to offer. I get out my bed and grab my (F/C) Crop Hoodie, then proceed to make my way downstairs to make breakfast.

I walk in the kitchen and start to cook some bacon. I pull out my phone and airpods so I could listen to some music. Now I'm jamming and making other food like scrambled eggs and pancakes. After 1 or 2 songs, The Villian I appear to be from Diamond Jack starts to play. Now we really jamming as you start to move to the music and sing it.

"I know to you I don't seem very strong

But I assure you before you can find me I'm gone
So come on and catch me you've still got a chance...

But not for long
I'll be place to place
Won't stop till I win the race
Although I may have crossed the line
No time to waste on you

I don't plan on slowing
Down - No I'll keep on going
Even if you think I'm in the wrong
Just know that

Although I may not think everything through
I don't take back what I say or regret what I do
I know that some stay in line and they stick to the plan
But if you leave it to me I'll do whatever I can 'cause

I know that's what I'm here for
I don't wanna wait around anymore
Even if you can't see
The good inside me

I don't have the time to tell you
Why I do the things that I do
Just please hold on and soon you'll see" You sing with great passion.

Suddenly you look up and see Tom staring at you with a dusty pink on his face. 

"Uhhhh....Hi," You say now also having a dust a pink across your face.

" Y-You should sing more often, you have such a nice voice," Tom responds while walking into the kitchen to grab some Smirnoff. 

"Thanks, you're the first person I know to hear my singing," I say while plating all the food.

Tom takes a sip of his vodka and then he helps to bring the plates to the table.

" Wow, you should think about getting out their and singing," Tom replies.

" Maybe, but how would I do that," I respond while putting the final plate down.

" Well you can audition at some talent show or something, or you and I could come with to work with me," Tom says with a slight smile at the last part.

" What exactly is your work?" You question him.

" I go out places and play the bass and sing for money, I also sometimes play at Stardrop Bar ( I love Stardew Valley )," Tom says.

"Sounds fun, maybe I will join you next time you go out,"  I say with a big smile on your face.

I wonder what Toms singing and guitar playing sounds like, I bet it will be amazing...like him...

" I SMELL BACON!!!!!" Edd shouts as he runs into the scene followed by Tord.

" MY BACON HISSS," Tord yells to Edd.

Matt walks in, " OOOOoooo Food.".

"The food is for everyone equally, so no playing tricks to get the bacon if I don't have my camera out or else you don't eat," I yell back at the boys.

"Yes mom," Edd says while sitting down and rolling his eyes.

"Samme det," Tord mumbles as he sits in his chair.

We all start to eat out food at the table.

"This is SOOOO GOOD," Matt comments as he eats more.

"For once, Matts not wrong," Tom says.

" And for once, Toms right that Matts right," Tord says.

"I missed your cooking so much, now I get to taste it all the time," Edd comments.

" Thanks so much, guys, I'm glad you like the food," I say with another smile.

Everyone finishes there food and goes there separate ways except for you and Tom. 

" How about we go to my work right now?" Tom blurts out after a little bit of silence.

" Sure, just let me change real quick," You say as you run upstairs.

You change into a skirt with the same Crop hoodie from before. I put some knee high socks on and shoes then proceed to walk outside my room to see Tom standing outside the room with his guitar case on his back.

"Ready?" Tom asks.

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