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(I'm sorry about the fact you may need google translate)


¨now pay up,¨ You say with a smirk.

¨Id rather be dead,¨ Edd says falling to the floor once again.

¨I guess I will join," You say with a sigh while plopping yourself on the floor.

¨What are you guys doing,¨ Tom says as he walks downstairs with a bottle of vodka in hand.

¨Being dead, care to join?¨ You say.

¨Please¨ Edd added.

¨Fuck it, ok,¨ Tom says joining me on the floor.

¨Now Tom what we do is lay down and feel like garbage,¨ You say while curling up into a ball. ¨Now we will silently feel like trash,¨

¨Trash you say? Well, baby how bout I take you out,¨ Tord says as he makes his way over to me and the other guys with his overconfident smirk.

I sit up and flip off Tord. ¨FUCK OFF MATE! I AINT YOUR TRASH BITCH!¨

¨OHHHHHHHHHHHH!¨ Yells both Edd and Tom while sitting up.

¨Du vil bli søppel en av disse dagene, om du liker det eller ikke.¨ Tord mumbles under his breath as he walks away with a face of clear anger and annoyance.

¨Nice one Y/N! ¨ Tom says with a smile. Tom puts out his fist for an epic fist bump.

His smile is so cute.

¨Y/N you ok your face suddenly got red?¨ Edd says while looking at me with a bit of concern.

¨Huh, oh yeah I'm fine, hahaha,¨ You say with your hand on your neck and an odd smile.

Suddenly Matt appears. ¨GUYS I FOUND THIS SUPER SHINEE(wink wonk) CRYSTAL!¨

¨Is it as shiny as the k pop group Shinee?¨ You say with enthusiasm. 

Matt shows the crystal and it really is shiny. ¨I don't know what that is but ok¨ says, Matt.

¨Hey guys I have an Idea,¨ Edd says.

¨Out with it then,¨ Tom says blankly.

¨How about we all play a game of 20 questions since you guys don't really know each other,¨ Edd responds.

¨Thats actually a good idea I like it,¨ You say with a smile.

¨Ill join,¨ Tord interrupts as he walks back into the living room with the rest of the gang.

¨Edd does he have to join us,¨Tom says with annoyance.

¨Hes part of this house and I want everyone to get to know each other so yes Tom,¨ Edd responds.

¨YAY LETS GET THIS STARTED,¨ Matt yells joyfully.

¨Lets all sit here in a circle,¨ Edd suggests.

¨Sure,¨ I say.

Everyone sits down criss-cross in a circle, I'm in between Tom and Tord. 

¨Whos going to ask who?¨ Tord asks.

¨Umm I'm not sure,¨ Edd says.

¨How about we do this spin the bottle style, we all take turns spinning and whoever it lands on has to answer a question,¨ Tom suggests as he finishes up the bottle of Smirnoff he had.

¨Sure that works, how about Y/N asks first since shes new,¨ Edd says.

Tom puts the empty Smirnoff bottle in the middle of the circle. I spin the bottle and it lands on Tord.

¨Ayyyyy, ask me anything sweet cheeks,¨ Tord says while giving me a wink.

¨Like before, fuck off. Umm...Why do you insist on flirting and all that jazz after only a few hours of knowing me?¨ I say with a bit of annoyance.

¨Well that's easy, you're just so beautiful, I can't help it,¨ Tord answers with his classic smirk.

¨Well your clearly mistaken if you think I'm beautiful,¨ You say as you move the bottle towards Tord.

¨My dear don't think of yourself that way, you are prettier than the sea, the sky, the whole world,¨Tord says while trying to grab my hand. 

I pull my hand away quickly.


¨Tord how about you spin¨ Edd interrupts. 

¨Fine,¨ Tord says while rolling his eyes.

Why the fuck he be trying to touch me, it's only the first day, too soon buddy.

Tord spins the bottle and it lands on Tom. I look over at Tom.

He looks so cute. :3. FUCK IM NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THINKING THIS ON THE FIRST DAY. Whatever it's just a thought.

¨Alright Jehovah's Witness, why are you such a dick?¨ Tord says.

¨Ïm, not the thing you clearly don't have COMMIE, FUCK YOU,¨Tom yells with anger while fliping Tord off.


¨GUYS DONT FIGHT HERE, DO THAT IN THE BEDROOM,¨ Edd yells trying to break up the upcoming fight.

I laugh a lot.

¨FUCK YOU,¨ Both Tom and Tord Yell at Edd.

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