Coming home from the airport

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Note from Author: Im sorry if my spelling and grammer is terrible. :p


I was at the airport in London, I had just arrived. It was busy, the place was flooded with people and it was pretty loud. I walked around, carrying my heavy luggage that was kept in my huge black cat suitcase, I looked around for a bench. After a while of swinging through crowds, I found a area full of blue benches on a dark green carpet. I took a seat, it was not that comfortable, but what are you gonna expect from the airport, it's not a furniture place. I took my phone out of my Gray and dark gray striped hoodie. I can finally text my brother Edd, he is picking me up after

You: Hey Edd, I just landed

and I'm at a bench area.

Edd: Ok. Awesome,

I'll go find you!

I can't wait to see you, Lil Sis!

"I can't wait to see Edd! It's been years since we've seen each other," I thought to myself."I can finally show Edd my Katana collection, I love my katanas and some were even once wielded by an actual samurai!"

While I was waiting for Edd to come I just sat on the bench, playing Mystic Messenger, an otome game, on my phone , while twirling a few strands of my h/c, hair. After a few minutes of play Mystic Messenger, I look up and in the distance I see a figure in the not so far distance, they have short brown hair and they are wearing an ivy green hoodie with brown pants, and green Adidas. The figure looked like my brother, Edd so I put my phone in my pocket and start to walk over to where Edd is and I started to wave my hands around to capture his attention.

"Edd, Over here!" I yell.

Luckily it worked. Edd started going faster through the crowd with a huge smile on his face. Once he made it out he gave a big bear hug.

" I missed you so much, Y/N !" Edd exclaimed.

"I missed you too Edd! How's life? How're the parents?" I reply with a burst of energy.

"Life is great, and since I'm with you, the parents are good as well, Ahh I can't wait to catch up, introduce you to my friends, and I want to hear about life in Japan!" Edd says quickly with excitement in his voice.

Edd's face was plastered with a huge smile, that smile just filled me with joy. Knowing that my presence can make someone so full of kitties and rainbows, just makes me feel good inside, and it makes me feel loved.

"Why don't we talk about this in the car? " I say calmly with a sweet smile on my face.

"Good idea, Here I'll carry that for you," Edd says as he grabs my Suitcase and starts leading the way.

This is so exciting, It's great to be back home.

Edd and I start walking through a huge crowd, after a while of, "excuse me" and "Pardon me"s we made it outside where we can freely walk as long as we watch where we are going. We stop for a short break.

"Why does it have to be so busy today?" I say with a sigh and an annoyed face.

"I don't know, there must have been hundreds upon millions of people in there, at least they weren't zombies," Edd responded.

"If they were zombies we'd still be in there kicking their butts, anyways let's get going again," I reply.

"True, and it wouldn't be the first time I've killed a hoard of zombies, ha my car is over in that area," Edd said as he chuckled and pointed to an area swarming with cars and trucks of all shapes, sizes, colors, and models.

I make a face that just spoke, This is gonna take a while someone please help me.

" Are we even going to make it to your place before night falls," I say with discomfort

Edd grabbed my hand.

"Come on, it may take a while, but we will get there eventually," Edd reassured.

After about 30 minutes of searching, we found Edd's car, It was a red car, that was probably made around 2005. Edd unlocks all the doors and presses a button inside the car to pop the trunk. He took my luggage and placed in the back, while I just got in the passenger side. Once he closed the trunk and got in the car, put the key in, turned the key, and started to move.

"So, tell me about Japan, what you did there, and just everything about it," Edd says with a smile and a quick glance at me and then back to the road.

" Japan was great, I lived in Tokyo as well so even better. I lived at home in a little apartmentt where I spent most of my time. I wou, of course,se go out for walks, a trip to the store, or to play music for tips. Every year I would take a trip to Sensō-ji. I loved being able to see all the cherry blossom trees in full bloom, it was always so pretty. I can't forget to mention the great amount of rain," I say with a few hand gestures.

" Woah, that sound so cool, I love cherry blossom trees as you know from our past experiences, " Edd replies.

Timeskip ( because im too lazy to write more, im tired)

We arive at the house of Edd and his other roommates.


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