I get tired quickly so I sit down and so does Niall. "Hey lil bro, you got something there." Greg says, wiping the side of his own lip to show Niall where it is. I look at Niall and my eyes widen. Niall must of forgot to wipe his lips after because there is a drop of my cum at the edge of his lip. Niall uses his tongue to wipe it away and smacks his lips after, closing his eyes. "Yum" he says, biting his lip. "What was it?" Greg says, looking confused and worried at his brother. Shit, he's going to know now that Niall gave me a blowjob this morning. This is going to so awkward to explain.

"Well duh it's obviously....toothpaste. What else would it be?" Niall says, looking at me smirking. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when he says toothpaste. He scared the life out of me there. "Oh right, yeah I guessed that" Greg says, laughing and then going back to his newspaper. Niall laughs at me before sitting on my lap. "You do know there's a free seat right beside me" I say, laughing but wrapping my arms around him anyway." Yeah I know but whats the fun in that?" he asks, leaning back on me. I feel him squirm on top of me and I have to stop myself from moaning as he moves his bum on my groin.

"Niall stop" I whisper, holding his hips in place. Niall turns to me and smirks before doing it again. I bite my lip to stop the moan coming out of my mouth and fake cough so nobody hears it. "You alright Liam? You sound like you have a cough" Greg says, looking up from the newspaper. I feel my cheeks get hotter as I nod at Greg. "Uhm yeah, I'm okay. Thank you for asking" I say, smiling at him. He nods before looking at Niall and looking down. "Niall will you please leave your boyfriend and stop grinding the hell off him? Please keep that for the bedroom" Greg says, taking a sip of his coffee. I laugh as I watch Niall's cheeks go a dark red and he buries his face in my neck with embarrassment.

He gets off me then sitting down beside me, his face still like a tomato. Greg looks up at him again before laughing. "I'm only joking with ya Niall but seriously, please keep it for the bedroom. As cute as you's are together, I don't want to watch that" he says, laughing. Denise comes over and puts our plates in front of us so all conversation ends, thankfully. That was really awkward for the both of us. After breakfast, Niall and I thank Denise and head upstairs to finish packing. We bring our suitcases down and leave them at the bottom of the stairs.

We go and sit down on the couch while Niall makes a phone call to get a taxi to bring us to the airport. Greg and Denise come in after to say their goodbyes and how they will miss us. "I'll text you guys when the court case is and how I get on, alright?" Greg says, squeezing his little brother. Niall nods and gives his brother a pat on the back. I hug Denise who tells me it was nice meeting me and she can't wait to see me again. "Don't forget to text about wedding details! I'll be waiting patiently for this invitation to be a bridesmaid" she says when we pull away and I laugh. "Of course not Denise" I say, smiling at her. She hugs me again quickly before going over to hug Niall.

Greg comes over to me and gives me a hug. "Take care of him alright? He'll need you more than ever when this court case comes." Greg whispers to which I nod. "Of course Greg, I promise I will" I say when we pull away. I turn to go to Niall but Greg stops me by putting his hand on my shoulder. I look at him and he smiles. "Welcome to the family, Liam. And thank you for making Nialler happy. It's been a while since I've seen him this happy." Greg says, squeezing my shoulder lightly. I feel tears come to my eyes when he mentions family so I quickly brush them away and hug Greg again. "Thank you" I whisper, looking over at Niall who looks at us smiling. I pull away from Greg and pat his shoulder.

"Uncle Li, you going home?" I hear Theo say and I look down to see him tugging on my hand. Wait, did he just call me uncle Li? I smile down at him sadly before picking him up. "I'm afraid so buddy. Me and your uncle Ni have to go home today but we'll come visit you soon okay buddy?" I say, not wanting to break the poor little lad's heart. I've gotten so close to him since we came that he even calls me his uncle now. I suppose I am though. I'm an uncle. "Yes we will and we'll bring an even bigger present next year" Niall says, walking over to us. He gives Theo a kiss on the cheek. "Another truck" Theo shouts in excitement. Me and Niall laugh at him. We got him a big fire truck toy for Christmas and he's been crazy about it since we gave it to him. "Maybe something different, even better than a truck" Niall says, laughing.

"Guys" Greg says and me and Niall look up at the same time. "I want a last picture of you's with Theo before you's go" Denise says, holding her IPhone up. I hold Theo on my left hip and he cuddles into my neck but still faces the camera, smiling. I wrap my around Niall's waist and he puts his around mine too. We all smile as Denise takes the picture. "You's actually look like a little family" Denise says, looking at the picture. She shows us and it actually does.

"That's because Theo is like a mini Niall" I say, pinching his cheeks. We all laugh when Theo's cheeks go a light pink as he smirks at us cutely. "Alright come here buddy, your uncles need to get a picture alone now" Greg says, holding his hands out for Theo. Theo dives out of my arms into his daddy's as Denise shoos us back for the last picture. "Okay, romantic one first then normal one" Denise says, putting her IPhone up again to take the picture. I stand behind Niall and wrap my arms around his waist and he laces his fingers with mine on his belly. "Aw, wait Niall turn your head and kiss him. This is going to be such a cute photo" she says, fangirling a bit. Me and Niall both laugh but Niall does as she asks and I connect  our lips together. I hear the camera going off. I pull away from Niall but not before pecking his lips one last time.

We pose normally for the last picture with my hand on his shoulder and his around my waist. Both our smiles are huge and our teeth is showing but both of us are too happy to care. And in a way, I'm scared. Because happiness never stays for a long time and something bad always follows after.

Mr. Horan (Student/Teacher - Niam Horayne)Where stories live. Discover now