Chapter 34

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Soundtrack: You've got a friend by McFly
And Safety Net by Framing Hanley


I watched as my wife danced away with the girls and Rose, in the middle of the dance floor in the function room of the hotel where we held our reception.

We were surrounded by all our family and friends, smiles and laughs flowing freely, along with the drinks from the open bar. In all our years, this right now, was the happiest I'd ever seen her.

My wife. She was finally my wife, and I felt as if I was on cloud nine.

When I saw her, walking down that pier in her dress. The way it hugged her slim but curved figure, the way her make up was done so minimally yet flawlessly. The way her hair blew softly in the summer breeze, the perfect small bouquet of purple lilies in her hands. The broad smile on her face as she walked arm in arm with her grandpa. She looked like an angel, and my chest hurt from the happiness that exploded in my chest.

I couldn't help the tears of pure joy that slipped from me as she walked towards me. I could hardly believe it was real. At that moment, I was so convinced this was all just a dream. Caleb cared to tell me I was one lucky son of a bitch, and I knew I was.

She left me speechless, immobilised and completely dumbfounded in every way possible.

"You happy?" Caleb looked at me with a smile.

"I don't think happy is the right word; there's no word I can come up with that does it justice."

"I feel you. I felt the same way on my wedding day, and I still do. I'm happy for you both."

I turned to him, daring to take my eyes off of my beautiful wife for a moment to meet Caleb's eye. "Thank you. I-I honestly don't know where we'd be if it weren't for you. I know you say you didn't do much, but over the years, you've done everything for us."

Caleb shrugged his shoulders softly, "Just wanted you two to have the happy ending you deserved. After all, you've both have been through; no two people deserve it more."

"I just wish my mother was here to see this, and her parents." I sighed softly. That was the only thing that caused this day to be just a little less than perfect. "I know they're with us, I just...wish they were here, you know?"

Caleb nodded his head in agreement, "I know dude, but, look, you have an amazing, beautiful wife and people who love you surround you. All these people here, they love you both so much they want nothing more than to share today with you. I know it can't make up for the fact they're not here, but I guess, you have to take the bad with the good and keep focused on the good."

"You're right, I know, kinda sucks, that's all. But watching her right now-" I turned my eyes back to Payton, who was jumping around. Rose in her arms to a cheesy nineties pop song, "I've never been so fucking happy."

"Hold on to that. Marriage, it's not easy, especially when you have kids. It gets so hard, but I know you two are capable of anything. Just keep reminding yourselves of exactly how you feel right now, at this moment. At that moment, you both said I do. No matter how angry you get, or annoyed, or upset, as long you as you both keep today in your mind, nothing can tear it down."

"Oh, trust me, that's my intention."

"So, where is the honeymoon?"

"France, so she can finally climb the Eiffel tower. She thinks I've forgotten she told me that was something she's always wanted to do. But I haven't, although that was a good ten-odd years ago. We'll be there for five days, with a trip to Disneyland. The rest of the days, we'll be in Azores, in Portugal, to swim with the dolphins."

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