Chapter 23

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Reid sighed as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and mine found its way around his waist, "Ice cream, the beach, and you, I've missed this."

We'd been back in Newquay for a couple of days now, but we'd spent our first evening with my grandparents, and then Derek joined us yesterday. Emma popped over with the girl's too to see my grandparents.

Today Reid and I were taking a day for ourselves. Tomorrow I was going to see Shane and Jay and Thursday was our first couples therapy session. I was anxious about it, but I was confident that once we got over those first few hurdles, we'd get through it.

"Me too." I smiled, disposing of my empty Ben and Jerry's cup in a rubbish bin as we walked along the sand.

"I swear if another dude looks at you like he wants to rip that Bikini top off..."

"Oh yeah, because you don't have women drooling over you right now." I rolled my eyes, "All shirtless and showing off those muscles. But you know they're probably looking because, well, I'm me, and you'"

"No, those dudes are definitely giving you those eyes."

"Ignore them. The only one ripping this bikini top off is you." I looked up at him and winked with a cheeky smile. Reid stopped us for a moment as he leaned down, pressing his lips to mine, instantly deepening the kiss before pulling away. "I think you made your point."

"I can always make another point," He stuck his tongue between his teeth and grinned as I watched a fire burn in his eyes.

"Reid!" I hissed in a hushed voice, "wait until-"

My words were cut off by the sound of a young woman's voice close by, "Uh hi, sorry to bother you, but could we get an autograph?"

I turned to face two girls who can't have been much older than twenty, one with flowing chestnut brown hair who was about five foot five, the other with honey blonde hair in a pixie cut standing just an inch taller.

"Sure." I nodded with a polite smile. Both of the girls let out a small squeak as they began burying in their small bags.

"We really loved that song you two did." The blonde crooned as she handed me a copy of the single Reid and I did for Ezra, "It made me cry. My sister had a miscarriage last year, and she loved the song as well. She said it really hit her and summed up how it felt the best way you could sum up something like that. Could you make it out to her? I want to give it to her as a gift."

"To Melissa, stay strong, love always, Payton. There we go, hun." I smiled, handing them back to her. Her eyes turned to Reid as she held them out expectantly to him.

"Uh, what?" Reid looked around, bewildered. "Me?"

"Oh, go on babe." I encouraged seeing the uncertainty in his eyes.

"I've never...well, first for everything I guess." Reid chuckled as he took the CD and signed his name under my signature.

"Thank you so much. She's going to love it."

"Could you make mine out to my aunt Lisa, please? She miscarried twice. Once a couple of years ago, and again just recently." The taller girl asked. I nodded with a smile, and we signed hers too. "Thank you; you're the best. We'll leave you alone now. Bye!"

"Bye, girls. And hug your aunt and sister for us too." I waved as watched as they ran off and turned to Reid. " did that feel?"

"Awkward." Reid laughed, "I'm just the boyfriend who produced the thing and sang it with you. You're the star on it with the girls."

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