Chapter 30

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Soundtrack: The reason by Hoobastank


I looked at the sleeping beauty next to me, soft shallow breaths from her ever so slightly parted lips, her face calm as she slept. My eyes moved to her hand, and I couldn't hold back the smile as her ring shone. The crystals were glistening under the small light of the sun that peeked through the curtains.

Right now, I didn't think it was possible to feel any happier. She said yes, and in just over six months, Payton would be my wife. Maybe it was a little soon, and we agreed we'd make it the following summer if we had too. But we'd both waited so long for this, we both felt more than ready for it to happen. Michaelson was all for it as well. I'd asked her opinion briefly after our last session a couple of weeks. She nodded with a smile and said it was about time then swiftly signed us off therapy for good.

The proposal hadn't been what I planned. I was going to do it today, take her for a meal, then walk her to the end of the pier, and do it then.

However, last night, it felt right. As I said my thank you to our friends, I looked at them. Realising every single one had been there from the start. Supporting us, rooting for us, cheering us on even when we got torn apart.

After I looked at our friends, I looked at her. She'd dressed in skinny denim jeans and a black off the shoulder top. Her hair was pinned back at one side, her hair falling over her shoulder on the other side in her natural waves. Her make up so minimal. To someone unknowing, it might seem as if she wasn't wearing any.

I couldn't contain it when I turned my eyes to Caleb, and all he did was smile, and give a simple, single nod. He knew as well as I did, that was the moment.

It was so much better than anything I could have planned. The rest of the night spent celebrating with our friends, receiving hugs, congratulations and laughing with them, right before they left and I spent the night with her. Our first night getting lost in each other as soon to be husband and wife.

"You're staring at me," Payton spoke softly, feather-like but keeping her sweet eyes shut.

"Sorry, can't help it." I chuckled gently. She slowly opened her eyes, tilting her head a little, so our eyes met, her lips curved into a smile.

"Morning finance."

A burst of happiness overtook me, and I grinned like a Cheshire cat, "Morning fiancée. God that feels amazing to say."

"Hmm yes, it does."

"What you want to do today, Kitten? Before you go, see the girls?"

She wasn't due to see them until early afternoon. Emma knowing full well she'd be nursing a hangover this morning and didn't want to deal with a loud room too early.

She stirred herself, before she moved on top of me, straddling my hips with a sleepy but sexy smile on her lips, "I have one idea."

I couldn't help but laugh a little. I'd of thought after last night she'd be more than spent, but I could tell from the look in her eyes she wanted more.

I was powerless to resist her. She'd always been insatiable, but even more so the past couple weeks, not that I was complaining. "Oh yeah? What's that, Kitten?"

"Well, I thought maybe..." Her lips attached to my neck softly, kissing it causing a small shiver to run down my spine.

"We could make some breakfast. Then get some stuff for Rose. After that, we could go look at some wedding things." Her words were broken up each time she placed another kiss to my neck, causing me to groan a little as she moved lower and lower.

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