Chapter 31

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My hand rested on my stomach with a flat palm as I looked at myself in the mirror. I hadn't realised just how badly I wanted a baby until I saw that negative flash up on that small LED screen of the digital test. I knew I wanted a baby I just really hadn't realised how badly until that moment.

I knew Reid was right. We could keep trying, once the injection wore off. We could try and try again until that negative became a positive, but it didn't take away the fact I wanted it to be positive.

I knew it would be worth the wait, and I knew we shouldn't want to rush. We'd not long got the house, and we'd been engaged just three days. We should be making the most of this right now, the time together. Planning the wedding, relishing in the happiness we'd finally got here. It didn't help much, though. I guess my wacky hormones didn't help either; everything was amplified.

"Feeling better, Kitten?" Reid walked into the bedroom, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, you can go to work, you know, babe. I'm pretty sure I'll be okay on my own for a few hours."

"Lydia is happy with the overtime. I'll go back in tomorrow. Right now my baby needs me so this is right where I should be, need to be and want to be." He walked over to me, resting his hands on my waist.

"How'd I get so lucky?" I swooned as my arms draped lazily around his broad shoulders.

"Hmm perhaps because you're beautiful." He kissed my forehead softly, "And smart." Then my left temple. "funny." my right temple this time.

"stubborn but, in a good way." He kissed my left cheek, and I giggled like a little school girl. "Talented." My right cheek. "Sexy as hell." He kissed my nose and smiled.

"But most of all, you're the kindest, most caring soul I've ever met who can brighten the darkest room even when she's not feeling her best." This time he kissed my lips, sweetly, tentatively and lovingly.

"I definitely am the luckiest girl in the world to have someone like you." I smiled at him as I ran my fingers through his shaggy, almost black silky hair.

"And I, the luckiest man to have you. You're looking a lot better. You want to eat a proper meal?"

My stomach growled, "Yeah, I'm pretty hungry. I'll make it through. You've been looking after me the past few days. If you're taking today off work as well, then you should rest some too."

"But I like looking after you."

"And I like looking after you. You've done your share so today, and I'm going to look after you, no arguments."

"Okay baby, if you insist. The uh, doctor called too, everything came back normal, so it was just a stomach virus. On the plus side, it's not just you that's perfect, your blood is too. Perfect results and levels across the board."

I chuckled a little. I love how he always did his best to cheer me up, "Well, at least you can now stop worrying that I have some horrible, awful disease. Don't think I don't know you well enough to know you've considered that a million times. We'll get our baby, right now, let's make the most of the time together, just us."

Reid smiled and rested his forehead on mine, "Sounds like a plan kitten."

I reached up to press my lips to his, "Go on, play your game or do some drawing, whatever you want to do. I'll go make us some breakfast."

"Okay Kitten, I love you."

"And I love you." I smiled widely at him before leaving him with one last kiss before I headed downstairs.

The Gamble, Book 3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz