Chapter 21: summer of second year

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A/N So guys this the last chapter for second year. I hope you are enjoying it and sorry I've been really slow! Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next book!!

"God, do I hate this," said James impatiently, squirming into his dress robes. "Malfoy and Snape are going to be crying by the time they see me in this thing."

"It's not too bad," said Sirius, admiring himself in the mirror. "I do look good, don't I?"

James snorted. "Sirius, I don't give a Galleon about how you look. What about me?"

"Why, want to impress Lily?"

He ignored him. ", how do I look?"

"Like a Malfoy."

"Very funny."

"I'm serious."

"I know you're Sirius, I haven't forgotten your name you know." James smirked.

Sirius groaned. "Not this again. I thought you said that that joke is as old as the hills."

"I know. I just want to get on your nerves since you're getting on mine."

After the two boys got downstairs, the girls were already waiting for them. James was very impressed with Arabella, Jennifer, and Violet, but Lily was who really caught his attention. She was wearing elegant dress robes of light green, bringing out the brilliance of her eyes, and her hair was in ringlets. She smiled awkwardly at James as he continued to stare and gape openly at her.

"Any day now, James," said Mr. Potter, chuckling.

James snapped out of his trance. "Huh? What did you say?"

"Heads-over-heels," muttered Sirius.

"Oh yeah, Lils, would you be my escort and partner?" he asked politely, directing his attention fully to the redhead again.

"Er—sure," said Lily, trying hard not to giggle; though she thought that James looked rather cute.

"Thanks," he said happily, grinning from ear-to-ear. Lily distinctly saw Arabella roll her eyes, and she stifled a laugh.

Jennifer smiled, and whispered something in Remus' ear, and he smiled as well. Then they both leaned over and told Arabella and Sirius, and they smiled, too.

"All right, what are you all smiling about?" asked Lily loudly. "It's probably something about me and James...isn't it?"

"You'll find out," said Violet, grinning mysteriously. Lily groaned.

"Probably going to play matchmaker again," said James, rolling his eyes. "Bells and Siri-boy are trying to get us back for matchmaking them."

"Nah, I'm actually thankful that you did, James, or else Sirius and I would still be fighting, since we're too damn stubborn to make up with each other," said Arabella genuinely.

"Wow, Bella, that must be the most sentimental thing you've ever said in your life!" cried Lily, grinning at her friend teasingly.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," muttered the other girl.

"Lily! What a pleasant surprise!" Running towards her was none other than Severus Snape. Lily groaned inwardly as he gave a short bow to her.

"Would you like to be my escort?" he asked hopefully.

But before Lily could reply, James said coldly, "Sorry, Snapie, but Lily's my escort."

Snape narrowed his eyes. "She is not. She's mine."

James and Lily Potter: Second yearWhere stories live. Discover now