Chapter 14: second year

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Christmas came and went. Lily had received gracious presents from all her friends and the Marauders, including James. She had given a present to her worst enemy: a snow globe with an older version of him and a present him (supposed to represent Harry) standing next to each other, which she had gotten made especially from a Daily Prophet advertisement. James himself had given her a stuffed cat, which really meowed and purred and moved about. All their friends, especially Sirius and Arabella, had teased them to no end about when their wedding would take place. Sirius had begged to be best man and Arabella, the bridesmaid, much to the fury of Lily and James. But they had started to grow a bit closer, though the two would not admit it.

"Lillian likes Jamsie, Lillian likes Jamsie." was to be the chant that Arabella, Jennifer, and Violet would sing every time Lily and James walked past them together.

"Infuriating," mumbled Lily, when the three had started to chant again after she and James left Dumbledore's office. "Be glad your friends don't do this, Potter."

"I had to actually put the Full Body-bind curse on Sirius, who put a spell on me that said 'Lily Evans is absolutely gorgeous and I really want to be locked up in a room with her'," admitted James.

Lily made a face. "Very harsh. But really, James" she grinned. "Do you want to get locked up in a room with me?"

James stared at her. "This is a joke, right? Because it's seriously not funny, Lily. I'm not a pervert like Sirius is!"

"Oh, and is he a pervert?"

"Yep. When I had threatened him that I would lock him in a room with Arabella if he didnt the spell off me, he said he wouldn't mind. Definitely a pervert."

"Poor Bella," sighed Lily.

"Oh...Lily?" asked James, after a moment of silence.


"I-I just wanted to thank you properly for the snow globe. I couldn't thank you properly before since Sirius could never give me a moment's peace."

Lily laughed. "You're welcome. And- thanks for the stuffed cat, too. It's really cute." she giggled. "I named it Snuggles."

"Snuggles? Is that the best name you can think of?" James snorted.

Lily looked insulted. "Hey, it's a cute name! Besides, you're a boy, what would you know?"

"A lot more than Ms Lily Evans, that's for sure."

"Jamie-boy, you're an idiot, you know that?"

"You know, you're beginning to sound like Sirius."

"That's because I am serious, you idiot!"

"No, you're not Sirius, you're Lily."

Lily groaned. "The stupid pun again. Let's stop."

"You're the one who started it."

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"All right, I started it. Are you happy now?"




"Ego-" began Lily, but stopped immediately. "What did you call me? Snape's lover? It's a joke, right?"

"Er- sorry no. Snape likes you."

Lily rolled her eyes. "I hope its not another stupid prank again."

James and Lily Potter: Second yearWhere stories live. Discover now