Chapter 5: second year

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It was just another day in Gryffindor Tower with Lily Evans and James Potter screaming the house down. Their friends sighed, knowing that there was no way they'd get together- even as friends. "When do you think they'll become friends?"

"Never I expect."

"For some reason, I can imagine them both Head Boy and Girl."

"Funny really- that is imaginable." The six friends were huddled together in a plot to get Lily and James as friends. Arabella, who knew Lily all too well, and Sirius, who knew James all too well, said that it was impossible.

"They'll get along in their fourth or fifth year," said Arabella lazily, yawning. "Our Lily is too stubborn. She's one Lily that's not lily-like and pure- at least not most of the time."

Meanwhile, Lily and James were on the other side of the common room, screaming at each other as usual. "If you didn't dye my hair blue, then I wouldn't have poured black ink on your Transfiguration homework! Besides, you should be grateful it was a subject you're decent at; if it was Charms, then you'd take all night to re-do it!"

"Why can't you be like the other girls?" Shot back James. "Then you wouldn't want revenge from me all the time!"

"Because I don't want to be 'another flower of the valley!" shouted Lily. "Do you want me to be someone like Deanna?"

"Good point," muttered Sirius from the armchair.

"I HEARD THAT SIRIUS BLACK!" yelled James, who suddenly cast his attention on his best friend.

Arabella tutted loudly. "And to think he could hear with all that commotion he's making."


They heard Lily giggle. "Come on Potter, you're scaring the common room." she nudged her head to a group of frightened-looking first years and a pair of harassed-looking sixth years.

"Hush Evans," snapped James.

"Ooh, touchy."

"Shut it Evans," repeated James, growling.

"Would you tackle a girl?" asked Lily sweetly, batting her eyelashes at James.

"If it was someone like you, yes."

"That hurts."


"Would you really hurt a lady?" asked Lily, pouting. Boys around the common room were staring at Lily intensely.

"Stop staring!" hissed Arabella, waving her arm around the common room.

"And if you think my Bella's pretty, she's already taken," added Sirius. Remus and Jennifer burst out laughing and Violet smiled.

"You guys are crazy," stated Lily, collapsing into a squashy armchair by the fire, looking tired.

"Hey Evans, tired of our fight?" called James, smirking.

"Yeah, Potter, I'm tired of looking at your face the whole time," replied Lily wearily, with a huge grin on her face.

James frowned. "Hey!"

"Yeah... you'll improve if you'd actually brush your hair once a week." the girls giggled and James was angry.

"Hey, you try to brush down hair like mine! It runs in the family!"

"And to think why girls fall for you," said Lily, pretending to sigh with confusion.

"Hey Lil, you said yourself that you thought James was cute and that you knew why girls were all over him," said Sirius suddenly, his eyes gleaming. He winked at James from across the common room and James' frown slowly turned into a smile again.

James and Lily Potter: Second yearWhere stories live. Discover now