Chapter 7

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James flashed a smile at Lily. "Come on, Lily, let's go see Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore?" repeated Lily. "Why, James?"

He shook his head. "I've been having those nightmares again." They both left for Dumbledore's office.

"James," said Lily quietly, "I've been having those nightmares too. What do you think they mean? About us...dying?"

"I honestly don't know," admitted James. He had said the password and entered the headmaster's office.

"Ah, James, Lily, I wasn't expecting you." Dumbledore smiled. "Is anything the matter?"

"The nightmares are coming back," said Lily.

Dumbledore shook his head. "I think you two should- travel into the future for a few minutes."

They both looked at each other in shock. "The future? But why, Professor?"

"Mr Potter, Ms Evans, I am no seer. Unfortunately, our Divination teacher isn't exactly what you'd call-er- useful inthis situation. So I will allow you to time travel into the future for a quick few minutes. But remember this; You are not to be seen. If you are to be seen and recognised, your past, present, and future will be destroyed. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

Dumbledore pulled out a small pocket watch. It looked like a Time Turner, but it was facing the opposite way. He instructed, "Put this around both your necks, and turn it five times. It will send you to the future. Then, when you're ready to get back, turn the watch five times again. But please- be careful, Mr Potter, Ms Evans. And don't stay too long. Remember; you must not be seen."

Lily carefully took the pocket watch from Dumbledore and placed it around her neck, and around James'. She turned the watch five times, and there was a large gust of wind blowing the two around. Images went past like a blur and they landed with a soft 'thump!' in the Charms corridor. "Where the hell-?" began James, but Lily cut him off.

"Quick Potter, we can't be seen, remember?"

"Stop worrying Evans," said James smoothly. "I've got my invisibility cloak, remember?" He took the folded cloak from his pocket and draped it over the two of them.

"Someone's coming!" whispered Lily.

The same three teenagers they saw in the crystal ball and glass were walking down the Charms corridor, oblivious to the fact that the famous Lily and James Potter were hidden under an Invisibility cloak, watching and following them. "That Snape!" raged the red-haired boy. "Can you believe sprouting up a test like that? In the middle of December? We're on holidays, for heaven's sake!"

"Oh for goodness sake Ron, it's not lie you ever study, anyway," snapped the brown haired girl.

"At least you don't have that egg clue to work out," said Harry quietly.

"Yeah... I guess I should've showed more consideration," admitted Ron.

"And Snape hates me more than any other student he has,"added Harry.

"Why?" asked Hermione curiously.

"Because he hated my dad."

James let out a sharp intake, and Lily nudged him. "Ow!" he cried. "What was that for?"

"Did you hear something?" asked Harry suddenly, turning around. He was nearly ten feet away from Lily and James, who were trying to not even breathe at the point.

"Sounded like your voice." said Ron, frowning.

"But I didn't say anything."

"Oh for gods sake, you two are acting as if you'd seen a ghost! It's probably just Peeves bothering Filch in the next corridor."

James and Lily Potter: Second yearWhere stories live. Discover now