Chapter 12: Second Year

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 "I'm bored," complained Arabella, yawning. "I wish Sirius was here."

Jennifer rolled her eyes. "Girl, why are you thinking about Sirius all the time?"

"Hey, I wouldn't be talking! You think about Remus all the time, too!"

"Well...that's different. Because Remus is really sweet and Sirius- well, Sirius, he's not."

"Now that's a personal insult!"

"Hey it wasn't made at you!"

"So? You insult my man, you insult me!"

Lily, who was watching all of this comfortably in one of the armchairs by the fire, laughed out loud. "Oh, Bells, you think too much of Sirius. Can't you guys take your mind off boys for once in your life?"

"Nope, no can do, Lils," said Bella, grinning. "Besides, I wouldn't be talking. What about James? I saw you and him cuddling yesterday by the lake!"

Lily snorted with laughter. "Cuddling? I could barely call it that, Bells; he and I were just discussing- things."

"What kind of things?"

Lily shook her head in disbelief. "You really love to pull my leg, don't you?"

"Of course."

"You know, at the Hogwarts Express first day back, you weren't so cocky."

"That's because I didn't know anyone. Once I know a few people, I start bouncing off the walls." The four girls all laughed. Then the Marauders all entered the common room at perfect timing, with stupid grins on their faces.

"Lily Evans, so charming to see you!" James had bowed down low and kissed Lily's hand. Lily quickly removed her hand from his, blushing furiously.

"They're going to have quite a love story, as far as i'm concerned," said Arabella softly, watching the two flirt (though Lily and James would not admit it as flirting) shamelessly with each other.

"Those two are destined for each other- like fate," said Sirius, just as softly. "You know, Bella, should we try our skills and set them up together?"

Arabella grinned, but shook her head sadly. "No. They'll murder us, and murder each other. It's best if we let fate do it on it's own. And if things don't work out right- then we'll play matchmaker."

"Sounds good to me." Meanwhile, Jennifer and Remus were having their own little conversation.

"Lily and James are so flirting with each other!" said Jen dramatically. "If only they would admit it!"

"Come on, jenny, you know those two are as hard-headed as people can be. If we could just do a bit of matchmaking..."

"Remus Lupin, you know we shouldn't! Let's not meddle with fate. You know that they'll be together somehow. Besides, Sirius and Arabella are probably over there just now to discuss how to make them fall in love with each other. They'd get mad at us if we tried and ruined everything."

"And James would never forgive me."

Jennifer's ears perked up. "What was that?"

Remus smiled. "James likes lily a lot, but he obviously won't admit it, as you can see." He glared at the black-haired boy, who was now entertaining the redhead next to him.

"Yeah, i'm sure Lil has a little crush on Jamie-boy as well. Still, I do wish they would stop arguing! Then the world would be at peace."

Lily snorted. "Potter, I will not try out for the Quidditch team, much less even play it at all, for the matter."

"You girls are so wimpy!" exclaimed James. "Come on, Evans, you're just scared!"

"Fine, I admit it. I'm not even sure if this is admitting it, since i've said I am scared of heights for the fifth time!"

"Gee... I guess I didn't listen! You know, I have the funniest feeling that the others are talking about us. Probably want to 'bring us together', as Sirius says every day."

"Sirius is a great prat," said Lily frowning. "I can't believe who would name him godfather."

James grinned guiltily. "That would probably be me. But hey, you made Arabella godmother!"

"And for good reason! Bella's trustworthy... most of the time. Besides, those two are getting married anyway, why not make it easier and name them the godparents of Harry?" Mentioning Harry had made her eyes suddenly clouded, and her lips trembled.

"James, I just had the strangest dream last night. Harry was duelling this wizard, and a long, golden thread connected their wands. We came out from the golden thread, and I gave him instructions... to take the portkey and get back to Hogwarts. What was that all about? And you kept saying 'do it now... do it now..."

James' eyes widened. "Well, I have no idea. I had a funny dream, too... Sirius, he was looking up in the sky and talking to the clouds or something. Then I was standing on the clouds and giving him instructions for something. My first thought when I woke up was that Sirius had finally cracked, but i'm not quite sure. I mean, I think I was in Heaven."

"Was- was I there?"

"Yes. The funny thing was, you were standing right beside me, telling me things occasionally. It was something about Harry- how to cheer him up. He seemed to have gone into some sort of depression state."

"Poor boy. I wish- oh, I wish we could find out more about the future! He's such a brave boy with a sad past and a miserable present. We certainly can't make life easier for him."

"Unless if we were alive... but it would be impossible. We were hit with the killing curse, remember? No spell can awaken the dead."

Lily smiled. "You know, I think that we're starting to like each other... you know, as friends."

James looked horrified. "This calls for a prank!"

"Definitely." The two headed off to their respected dorms and prepared a prank on each other. 

James and Lily Potter: Second yearTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang