Time To Say Goodbye

Start from the beginning

Mithica: What makes you think that she's better than me?

Yami: We knew we were meant to be together... we knew we were meant to be hers and she was meant to be ours... just ours and no one else's!!

Mithica: And...?

Yugi: And everyone wants her, but not in the same as we want her... no one can appreciate her the way we do

Yami: No one doesn't deserve her but us... she belongs to us... alone! We want no one else but her only~!!!

Mithica: So what? She has nothing but I do! I'm rich! I have everything! I have such beauty that no girl ever has and you should appreciate my looks and accept me as your lover

Yugi: We don't care if you're rich or not... we don't care if you have so many things that Y/n doesn't have... and your looks don't interest us

Yami: In fact, why should we date and waste our time with a brat like you when we could be in bed... cuddling our Kouhai in our arms~

Yugi: After all, we want to have a lovely family with her~

Yami: And a better way to do that and have so many children~

Yami: And a better way to do that and have so many children~

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Mithica couldn't believe what she was hearing from them... they prefer to be with Y/n instead of her which that made her really angry. She wanted them all to herself until she ended up snapping at them.

Mithica: NO! UNACCEPTABLE! You guys belong to ME! ME ONLY! AND NO ONE ELSE! NOT EVEN THAT PESTY Y/N!! I can get my dad or my mom to get you guys to go on a date with me and there's NOTHING you guys could do to-

Mithica: NO! UNACCEPTABLE! You guys belong to ME! ME ONLY! AND NO ONE ELSE! NOT EVEN THAT PESTY Y/N!! I can get my dad or my mom to get you guys to go on a date with me and there's NOTHING you guys could do to-

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Mithica was all of a sudden interrupted when she got slapped in the face again like last night but this time it was Yugi and he slapped her really hard that left a huge red mark on her cheek.

Yugi: I see you haven't lost your spirit yet...

Yami: Not one bit after watching your friend suffer in our hands but don't worry... you'll be joining her

My Crazy Lover Boys (Yandere Yugi x reader x Yandere Yami)Where stories live. Discover now