THALIA - Weather Forcast

907 44 4
  • Dedicated to Georgia


Alyssa is Bianca. Bianca is Alyssa. I am worrying about Alyssa at the moment. I hope she'll succeed. I know she'll succeed. But she's only had a few days of training. Nope. Stop thinking about the worst scenarios and focus on the task at hand. Saving Zeus.

"Thalia get Jason!" Piper said, panting hard.

"Are you alright?" I asked, laughing. "Where did you come from anyway?"

"Came - gasp - from - gasp - Tiber" she answered.

"Ok? Why'd you run over here- I mean, we aren't leaving until we find transport"

"I- gasp - have - gasp - something - gasp - important"

"Spit it out already" I told her.

Before Piper could answer, I heard a large boom of thunder. Then, snow came drifting down from sunny skies.

"What the-" I breathed. I felt a snowflake touch my nose and shook my head.

"Ahh" I heard someone scream. I looked around for the screamer and saw Reyna on the floor grabbing her leg. When I asked her to remove it I gasped. It was a giant purple bruise. Ouch.

"Ouch" I said out loud. I looked at my hand. It now had a small purple bruise. Everyone began screaming or crying out in pain. It was hail. Huge amounts of hail heading towards us. I ran towards shelter but not before seeing injured campers dragging themselves towards their cabins, unconscious campers with bruises and cuts and broken bones lying on the ground.

"How could this happen?" I asked Piper, who I now realised had a massive piece of hail sticking out of her head. "Oh my Gods" I screamed. I ran over to her, ripped of some of my jacket and placed it on her head after carefully removing the piece of hail.

"Thalia-" Piper said, grabbing my hand to get my attention "-it's your Dad...."

"What?! Don't you dare leave me!" I replied, shaking her body. Her eyes were slowly drifting shut, she was forcing herself to stay awake but it wasn't working.

"He-he's dying" Piper said before going limp in my arms.

"PIPER!" I yelled at her. She wasn't moving. She wasn't breathing.


I sat in Camp Jupiter’s infirmary waiting for news on Piper. Thankfully, she wasn't dead. But she had a faint heartbeat by the time the hail stopped. Jason was pacing around the room, practically ripping his hair out.

"She'll be fine Jason, she's a fighter" I told him. Trying to believe it myself.

"I-I know but I'm her boyfriend. I have the right to worry" he replied.



"Argh, loser"

"Love you too sis'"

I decided to change the topic. "How do you think Alyssa's doing?"

"I really don't want to know" he answered.

"So caring" I muttered.

"It's just that- I mean - I don't want to-". Before Jason could finish, one of the camper's came to see us.

"She's fine guys" he said.

"Thanks" Jason spoke quickly.

"All good" the camper replied. I nodded, signalling that he should leave. He smiled back.

"Let's go see her lover boy" I told Jason. He smirked back. "What?"

"Nothing..." he drawled. I opened the door for him and he nearly ran me over.

"Slow down" I said to him.  

Piper was laying on a bed. She was as pale as a ghost. Her eyes were barely open but she managed a smile when Jason came in.

"Hey Piper, how are you feeling?" he asked her.

"I-I am fine. We need to get going. Zeus won't save himself" she answered him. My eyes widened.

"Zeus! You said something about him that seemed important" I told her.

"I-I don't remember. All I can remember is that I saw a beautiful women talking to me"

"Argh, that so helps" I said sarcastically. Jason glared at me. I clamped my mouth shut.

"Piper... You aren't coming with us" Jason stated.

"And I was going to be told this when?" I asked. He shot me a deathly look. I put my hands up, surrendering.

"I h-have too. I'm in the prophecy" she retorted. Her voice was now barely a whisper.

"I don't care. You aren't coming, your wounds are too great". He was acting all leader-like now.

"Thalia?" Piper said, asking me for support. I shook my head.

"I have no say Piper" I said. My brother smiled at me. "I'm going to find us a mode of transport. Get well soon Piper"

I left them bickering. Honestly, I believe she needs to come with us. As heartless as it may sound, she is in the prophecy and not once has a quester not been able to come. We could get another Aphrodite child. Actually, that might work.

I ran around Camp Jupiter looking for a child of Venus (since it is a Roman camp). I ended up finding one, or rather, she found me.

"I heard you were looking for a child of Venus?" she asked. I nodded. This girl looked about 15. Her hair was a very dark colour. It couldn't even be black it was that dark. Her eyes matched her hair. She looked a lot like Nico except much scarier. I have a bad feeling about this girl. I shrugged off the feeling. I noticed that she was mumbling in some language. Latin maybe?

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Kamp - Kamelia" she said.

"Are you sure you're a child of Venus?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yes" she answered me in a 'don't-argue-with-me' tone.

"Follow me" I said.


So. That just happened. Who is this Kamelia? Is she really a child of Venus?

I have dedicated this chapter to Georgia. She is a great friend and is sooooo funny. She is just so random and she says the funniest things so subtly. She is an amazing girl and really pretty. She is actually a bit like Thalia. Thalia is really pretty but she can get really defensive and protective. If you get on her bad side.. She’s like Caitlin. RUN AND HIDE! She's just really cool and always puts a smile on your face even when you’re super sad.

I have reached 1000 reads! Thanks for everything,


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