ALYSSA - Explain

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  • Dedicated to Caitlin

Back to Alyssa!! :0

This chapter is dedicated to another one of my best friends Caitlin. She is like my Piper. She is gorgeous (doesn't realise it, cliché) but if you get her bad side.. RUN AND HIDE! She is protective of her friends and is really nice. Caitlin is unlike most of my best friends. She is cool with most things and loves to prank and annoy her brother (especially with me and Georgia) :) Love ya Caiti! And enjoys wearing odd socks with me.

Reyna isn't what I first expected. Or was hoping. After my badass scene earlier, Frank led us over a river called Little Tiber. I payed no attention to where we went from there. I was too busy talking to Emily. By the end of our conversation, I saw a young women with a very serious facial expression. Her black hair matching her black eyes. She had to dog-like creatures next to her. One made of a gold colour, the other of a silver.

"So this is the little brat causing this ruckus in the world" she stated.

"Nice to meet you to" I said in an innocent voice.

"Don't play innocent with me"

"Fine, I won't. But speak to like we're equals not like you're better than me" I answered, dropping my innocent voice.

"I like you already". She put a hand out. "Reyna"

"Your worst nightmare" I said, shaking her hand.

'Well, you are since you have ruined Camp Jupiter"

"Oops. Because defending myself and barely wrecking the outside of the Camp makes me your worst nightmare" I snapped.

Her dogs growled. Reyna put her hand up and the growling ceased. In a flash, Reyna was on top of me, her golden dagger at my neck.

"Never speak to me like that" she huffed. I smiled. While she was busy proving a point, I had reached my piggy tails. I sent them spinning like a drill. I flicked them forward, they each wrapped around both of her arms, pulling the dagger off my neck. I pushed Reyna to the floor and jumped on top of her. I used the wind to move her dagger from the middle of the room to my hand and placed it onto her neck.

"My advice to you. Never underestimate me" I smirked. I got up and walked by the group. I noticed Hazel nor Nico were there. Percy's face was priceless. Shocked but impressed at the same time. I chuckled. "Tell Reyna that I'm leaving. Find me if you need me!" I yelled walking out of the door. How I wish I had stayed in there.


I decided to see where about Hazel was but first, I needed to rest. My episode with Reyna had taken the last of my strength. Not physically but emotionally. I had only arrived to Camp Half-Blood not even a week ago yet, here I was. At Camp Jupiter. Why do the Gods hate me?

Don't ask me.

Argh. I don't need you at the moment.

That's harsh, Alyssa. I am hurt.

No you are not.



Why did I agree to this?

Don't ask me. I'm new at this as well.

Don't remind me.

I was now on the Argo II (didn't want to know what happened to the Argo I) and so I began looking for Nico. I don't know why but I felt as though I should see him.

You loove him

Go away Emily.

Alyssa and Nico sitting in a-

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