ALYSSA - Jason

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I walked out of the alley way as if nothing happened. I noticed that no one was bothered by me casually walking out of the alley. Oblivious, I thought. I continued walking down the street. As I passed glass panel I checked my reflection. I had black combat boots on, a black elbow-high V-neck T-shirt and black jeans. My blonde hair was swept into my black beanie. I had no hair ties and my, step dad I guess, couldn't afford to put us out in the open by getting me a haircut so my hair went past my knees. Pretty long huh.

I watched the night sky as the storm left. That connected feeling leaving me. I stopped and watched the storm leave the night sky to return to the dark blue it was before. My mind continued to go back to what my step dad had said. Zeus. My mother used to tell me about the Greek Gods and their ways. I knew that they weren't real. Zeus was the God of the Sky. Lightning and Thunder. But how do you explain what I did to my step dad? I don't know. My mind hurts. I found another empty alley way and threw my back against the wall. If people recognised me I could go to jail. I was a criminal. Me and my father both. Once they find his body they'll know I'm hiding and they'll find me. Those police are persistent. Well Alyssa, great way to spend your 14th birthday.

I heard commotion coming from the streets. I reluctantly got up and walked out of the alley. I saw a blonde haired boy. He had a purple shirt on. Camp Jupiter is what it read. Jupiter. That was Zeus' Roman aspect. There was another boy next to him holding hands with a blonde haired girl. I heard the blonde haired girl call him Percy. Weird name. Percy grabbed a hold of the Camp Jupiter boy and whispered something to him. The Jupiter boy ran around to the people in the street asking them something. I felt a strange connection to that boy. Not attraction but something else. I decided to follow them. I watched them from the shadows.

Out of nowhere, another girl and boy showed up. The boy was hot, I'll give him that. I saw the blonde girl run and give him a hug. She called him Nico. The boy Percy pulled her off, he called her Annabeth. He said hello to the other girl. The Jupiter boy hugged her. They looked related. I felt that strange connection with both of them. I heard the girl’s name. Thalia. She had what looked like a huntress' outfit on. I tried to get closer but only heard bits and pieces of what they said. Shift in the weather, lightning, thunder was deafening, Zeus. Zeus, I thought. They might know something. I continued to follow them down the street until I realised something. Weren't there 5 of them? Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Jupiter and.. Tha-

"Looking for me?" asked a feminine voice behind me. I turned around slowly and saw her standing with her bow pointed at me.

"Thalia what are you doing?" asked Jupiter.

"This guy has been following us since we arrived" she said. Guy?! Wow, thanks, I thought.

"And?" asked the cute boy. Nico.

"He might know something" Thalia replied.

"About the lightning?" asked Annabeth.

"Duh" answered Thalia. I took my chance and bolted. I heard the whizzing sound of an arrow and felt cold air touch my head. The arrow took off my beanie and my blonde hair fell to my knees. I turned around and saw them all following me. Jupiter was.. flying?! Percy had water flying around him. He was controlling it. Thalia was flipping and sending arrows my way. I ducked and dodged. I saw the storm come back. The thunder roaring. I watched Thalia and Jupiter exchange glances. I couldn't find Nico. I spoke too soon. He popped up in front of me. He looked my age from this close.

"For a hot guy you're coming across as creepy" I muttered.

"A girl? Damn" he said. I blushed. I heard arrows coming my way. I turned around and tried to block them but saw flashes of lightning zip down and disintegrate them all. I looked at Nico who was stunned. The others were like that too. I ran even faster until I felt like I was walking on air. I looked down and realised I was. I was flying. Holy crap. How? I stopped running and I wished I didn't. I began falling. I screamed. The best thing I could do. Before I hit the ground I felt someone catch me. I looked at his face. Nico. I tried to jump from his hands but man, was he strong.

"Please, leave me alone" I whispered.

"We only want to talk" he replied.

"No! I didn't kill him, the storm did!" I screamed at him.  I tossed and turned until I fell to the floor. My hair was caught on his hands as I ran off. I tried running but my hair tugged back and I screamed.

"That hurts" I said.

"I'm trying to get it of my hands" he replied. I saw the others turn the corner. I looked at my surroundings. I saw no escape. A dead end.

"Are you okay?" asked Jupiter, coming down from what now looked like a horse. I didn't answer.

"I'm Percy" said the guy holding the blonde girls hand. I let what had just happen go through my head. So, Percy had water. Jupiter flew. Thalia was a.. Huntress or hunter? Nico shadow jumped. Annabeth looked normal. She had an orange shirt on. It read Camp Half Blood. My mother told me stories before she was murdered about the Greek and Roman Gods. Zeus. It replayed through my head.

"Zeus, Zeus, Zeus, Zeus. Just get out of my head!" I screamed.

"What did you just say?" asked Thalia.

"Argh!" I screamed.

I opened my mind to the possibility. Water.. Poseidon. Thalia.. Hunter of Artemis. Shadow travelling.. Hades. Flying.. Zeus. Zeus.

"D-d-demi-gods" I said.

"What?" asked Jupiter.

"Percy, Son of Poseidon/Neptune. Nico, Son of Hades/Pluto" I started.

"How do you know this?" asked Thalia.

"Thalia, Hunter of Artemis." I added.

"I'm the daughter of Athena" Annabeth said.

"Annabeth!" Thalia said. Annabeth shrugged her shoulders.

"No, no, no" I said.

"How do you know this?" Thalia yelled.

"Thalia.. I know. We don't need to search anymore" Jupiter stated.

"Why? We still haven't found the child" She said.

"Shoot an arrow at her" Jupiter said.

"What? That'll kill her!" Thalia said.

"Do it" Jupiter said. I think I knew what he meant. I felt the storm around me and as Thalia let the arrow fly, I touched the tip and it shattered as lightning zapped through it.

"I get it now" I said. "You're all demi-gods" I added.

"Yes but how do you know?" asked Nico.

Thalia interrupted me. "I'm Thalia, daughter of Zeus/Jupiter and this is my brother-" Jupiter cut her off.

"I'm Jason, Son of Zeus/Jupiter"

I gasped.

"You don't know do you?" asked Jason.

"I-I'm not one of you" I stuttered.

"You are. You are my sister" said Jason. "You are a daughter of Zeus" 

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