Chapter 10

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"Min-Ji," I see a suddenly older looking Jimin in the place of my boyfriend, looking at me with concern.

"Jimin," She pushes past me and hugs her husband.

"Am I seeing things or are there two of you?" He asks her.

"Oh no, this is Y/N, when you appeared, her Jimin disappeared, we need to find him," Second me is pretty cool.

"But our kids are at home...Hoseokie-hyung and his wife are looking after them,"

"Darling, we're stuck here. We need to find away to switch places so that we go back to our world and Jimin returns to this one," Min-Ji looks at me. "Y/N, because you helped me believe in myself, I'm going to return the favor and get your Jimin back,"

"Okay...this is a bit confusing, but this is another version of you and she lost her me?"

"Sure," I say, punching his shoulder.

"I must be living in a fantasy because there are two versions of the girl I love right here," Jimin smirks and winks at me, spinning his wife around so she didn't see.

"Aish, get your mind out of the gutter, and please, turn around," Min-Ji pushes Jimin, and he suddenly looks down, now blushing and turned to the wall.

"Oh, the camera! They might've seen what happened, maybe we can get a clue...." I look at the wall.

"You're right, I just hope he can come back soon," I feel the tears filling up my eyes.

Third Person POV

Jimin watches as the scene in front of him warps and suddenly, he is in a different room. A grand room, that looks like the type he'd see in an old detective movie. He runs to a different room, scared since his Y/N is nowhere to be seen.

"Jimin, you're back?" He sees a familiar face and sighs in relief.

"Hoseok-hyung, I got separated from Y/N while we were in the lab....where are we?" He asks, a little bit confused at the scene.

"Who's Y/N? Is she a new friend you made at work? Oh, I forgot to ask, where's Min-Ji, did you find her?" Now Jimin is super confused.

"Wait.....shit, okay I'm gonna sound a little crazy but I think I just switched spots with the Jimin from this world," Jimin tries explaining his theory to his friend.

"Yeah, you sound crazy. Must be the stress of raising kids, huh?" Hoseok pats him on the shoulder.

"Huh? No, I'm too young to have kids, and Min-Ji isn't my wife, Y/N is my girlfriend!" Hoseok stares at his friend in shock.

"What? You're cheating on Min-Ji?!" He gasps.

"No, I am not the Jimin you know, here I'll prove it. Ask me a question that only I would know the answer to," Jimin folds his arms, trying to find an opportunity to get Hoseok to help him.

"Okay, who was my first kiss?" He asks.

"Wasn't it...that girl you met at the coffee shop?" Jimin recalls his memory.

"Wrong. It was Taehyung, when we had to do a dare because we lost a game," Hoseok cringes at his memory.

"No way...." Jimin laughs, almost in tears.

"Hey, the fact you don't remember that proves you aren't the Jimin I grew up with, who are you?!" Hoseok asks.

"My name is Jimin, I work at Jin's café, and I am a huge fan of L/N Y/N, the biggest popstar in the world," He thinks back to the time when he thought Y/N was an unrequited love.

"Whoa...what about BTS?"

"Oh, BTS existed in this world?" He asks.

"Yes. Min-Ji was the eighth member of our group, you guys started dating and ended up getting married," Hoseok tells his friend. "And you have two lovely children," He beams.

"You sound like you're the one with the kids,"

"Oh no way, me and Gee aren't ready for children...we're putting it off. This year is gonna be about us," Hoseok laughs. "I'm glad to see you're happy. And now that you've mentioned it, you do look younger. At least 23..."

"How old was I?"

"27....darn I'm a grandpa," Hoseok cries.

"Aish, stop getting emotional. Those kids aren't even mine, they belong to the Jimin of this world. Oh by the way, Y/N is my world's version of Min-Ji," Jimin tries explaining it to Hoseok.

"Well you better not tell them. They're pretty young, so telling them they lost their parents to a weird parallel universe shift thingy would be pretty scarring," Jimin nods in agreement.

"What are their names?" He asks his friend.

"The youngest is a girl, Min-hee, and the older one is a boy, Nam-Jae,"

"Like Namjoon and Yoongi?" Jimin asks.

"Yes, precisely," Hoseok smiles.

"Hobi!!! Where are you?!" A woman shouts from the other room.

"Coming dear, look, Jimin came back!" Hoseok guides Jimin to another room, to find a woman holding a tiny child and a little boy looking at the baby in her hands.

"Oh thank goodness, did you find your wife?" She asks, standing up, and giving the two year old to the young man.

"No, still gotta keep looking," Jimin cradles the baby in his arms. She coos in his arms, and he feels like he's stealing his double's life, holding the other man's baby in his arms. "Hey Min-hee, I promise I'll get your parents back. I hope I run into you in my world," Jimin whispers, and the couple watches as he sits down and calls his son to him.

"Papa, will mommy be home soon?" Nam-Jae asks.

"Yes, Don't worry, your mom will be back soon," Jimin has tears on the corners of his eyes now, and he looks at his brother with sadness. He hugs his döppelganger's children and then looks to his friends. "Now, isn't it time for bed?" He asks his son.

After tucking in his kids, he sits down Hoseok and his wife to explain everything.

Worlds ApartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz