Chapter 3

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He offers to make me some tea and I accept, forgetting he's a 23 year old.

"By the way, how old are you? Are you the same age as her?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah, we're the same age, so I'm guessing the only difference is that she's famous and I'm not,"

"You are, in my heart," we share a warm smile and there's a knock at the door. "I'll get it," he tells me.

"Excuse me sir, did you experience anything strange last night?"

"Me? No.....nothing happened," he lies.

"We have to search your apartment if you don't mind..."

"Go ahead," his face is stiff as he joins me at the table and lets the cops search his house. One makes eye contact with me and raises an eyebrow. "Do you know when you're going back?" I shrug.

"I just fell asleep and woke up next to you," I explain. He drinks some tea.

"Hm, that's weird. We better figure out how to get you back because I'm pretty sure you have a life to return to," he holds my hand.

"Yeah...but my old life was boring. I'd rather stay here with you. I really mean it Jimin, there's nothing that would make me happier," he gives me a small smile.

"If that's what truly makes you happy, we can make it work, but if you still wanna go—"

"No, I wanna stay!" I hug him suddenly, trying to grab onto him since I almost fell out of my chair (lol I'm clumsy).

And I'm on his lap.

"Okay, we've searched the area, you're clear," I quickly jump from his arms scratching my ear in embarrassment.
"There was explosion in the science lab and it caused some weird things to happen, now we're finding random objects that have appeared from another universe,"

" in alternate universes?" Jimin asks.

" you know something?" We share a look and Jimin gives me a slight nod.

"Actually...I woke up this morning in his bed. I found everything in my room different and then I realized this isn't my world,"

"Shit..." A Guy yells.

"What are you gonna do now?" Jimin asks, protectively standing behind me.

"There's Nothing we can do, Except maybe take you to the lab to run some tests," I gulp nervously. Jimin grips my hand.

"I'm going with her,"

We all head to the lab and the scientists have me wear a gown and have a checkup.
"You're healthy, but for now we don't have technology advanced enough to get you back home,"

"So...I'm stuck here?" I ask.

"Yes, for now, but when we find a way to get you back, we'll let you know,"

"I'll take care of her,"

"That's a good boyfriend right there," the old doctor chuckles.

"The best," I smile and hold his hand.

"So you can stay with me as long as you need," Jimin hands me coke.

"Okay, but on one condition," he turns to face me. "You let me pay half the rent, so I'm not staying for free,"


"No, I won't take advantage of you. I want to live with you, and make this work. But I wanna be fair, so I'll get a job and help you out with rent at least," he sighs and pats my head.

"Thank you, Baby-Ah," I blush at his new nickname for me.

"Lets go home now, Jiminie!" It's his turn to blush, and I pinch his cheeks.

"Hey you," he calls me.


"Are you gonna walk around wearing that all the time?" I blush, noticing I was in my pajamas this whole time.

"Oh, I don't know...." I cover myself and he grabs my hand.

"Let's go," He pulls me into a nearby store.

Handing me a couple of dresses, he pushes me into a dressing room. I step out and he just stares at me in awe before clapping happily. I would've never imagined this happening ever in my life! He's so cute!

"You look so pretty!" He smiles.

"You're enjoying this huh? A secret fantasy?"

"Aish," he playfully shoves me before wrapping me in a hug. "I think I like you better," I accept the hug, wrapping my arms around him. A lady clears her throat.

"You're buying that?" She asks. I awkwardly detach from Jimin and nod shyly. He grabs my hand and gives the lady a card.

"It's on me,"

"Thank you,"

"A gift for my girlfriend,"

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