Chapter 6

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"Good morning," the first thing I see is his golden smile as I wake up from my nap.
"How long was I out?" I ask.
"About 20 minutes...speaking of, we better get to work!"
"What?" I look around in confusion realizing that we're still in the break room except Yoongi's gone.
"C'mon, let's go mop the floor,"

Work is tiring, me and Jimin work on washing the dishes. I go through and tell him the names of all the members of BTS, and all of them work here, in this universe.
"Sometimes I forget you're from another world...everything you do is exactly like the Y/N in this world..except you're not her," I shake my head in silent agreement.
"It's the same with you, Jimin. You're the exact same except you aren't from my world....WHY CAN'T I BE CONTENT IN MY OWN WORLD???" I'm suddenly bawling my eyes out, realizing the reality of it all. The Jimin I fell for was the one back in my own world, but I had to end up shifting planes of reality to come to a parallel universe where I'm the famous one, and he's yearning after me but then I end up falling for him in this world and—"It's all too much!" I let out a good sob.
"Whoa, Y/N what's wrong?" I cry as Jimin looks at me with confusion and worry.
"This! It's all wrong. I can't have the Jimin in my own world, so I ended up coming to a different universe to see you have the exact same life as me, and now I'm f-falling in love with you, but I'm not from this world so I have to go back a-and leave you all alone!!!" I cry, as my boyfriend sweeps me into a hug.
"Don't think too much of it. We may be from different worlds but somehow...I feel like this is meant to be. Even if we meet our celebrity counterparts, it would never work out. The me in the other world is always working, and I don't think he has time for a relationship. The you here is always on tour, so the closest I'll get to seeing her is on stage.

This..this is perfect. Y/N, you're all I need right now...don't leave me yet...don't go," his breath quickens, and I feel his heartbeat growing louder and hot tears flood down his cheeks.
"Baby...did someone leave you behind?" I ask, not really wanting to know the cause for his sadness.
"I don't know if I can go through it again...Y/N please don't leave me.." I rub his back, softly kissing his cheek.
"I won't...I don't want to. I'll stay...I'll take care of you from now on," I comfort the man, suddenly comforting him instead, feeling the tears pouring down my cheeks as well.
"Stop doing that," he whispers, rubbing my hair.
"What?" I ask.
"Saying you'll take care of me. That's my job, I should be the one protecting you," he kisses my nose.
"I feel like it needed to be said. And okay, from now on I leave my life in your hands," I giggle as he kisses my cheek.
"Let's get back to work?" He gets us back on track.


Jimin left earlier, and now it's just me, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jin. The other shifts just came in too.
"Hey. Y/N, come over here," Jin calls me to the cash register. Business has slowed down, since it's closer to night hours.
"What's up?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to know how your first day went,"
"'s fine,"
"So...uh what was going on between you and Jimin?" Oh crap, did he see the hug in the kitchen?!
"Don't lie, I saw you two earlier when you came in for work," I blush, now twirling hair around my finger.
"He's my boyfriend...."
"What?!" Jin exclaims, making people whip their heads around. He quiets down before continuing. "So you're the one who stole Jiminie's heart?" I nod slowly.
"And here I was thinking he had a crush on that celebrity...Wait...oh yeah you already told me about that," I sigh as he looks to me for answers.

"Exactly. And I am also his roommate,"
"Really? Wow that man doesn't talk about any of it,"
"Well, it's supposed to be kept on a down low since my counterpart is a celebrity..." he nods in understanding.
"Well, let me know if you need anything, our café doesn't just serve customers, but employees as well,"
"Thanks Jin," I smile as he gives me a wink. Same guy as always.

After work I head back home. Jimin is sitting on the couch, reading a book.
"Hey, I'm back," I greet him.
"Hey, honey," He lazily looks up at me with a small smile. I walk over to him and place a playful kiss on his plump lips. When I pull away, he's blush tints his cheeks pink. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that," I giggle.
"And I don't think I'll ever get used to calling you, Jimin, my boyfriend," I giggle as he pulls me into a hug.
"I wish you could stay here forever," He strikes my hair.
"Me too...."
"In a way...I'm thankful the you in this world is a celebrity, because I never would have been interested in this version of you if I already did,"
"Same here. You're soooo cute," I smile, and he kisses my cheek.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, tomorrow after work we wanted to throw you a little welcome party,"

"All of the guys are going to get together. And Jin will cook for you, his cooking is great!" Jimin tells me, and sparkles fill my eyes.
"I've always wanted to eat it, I'm so excited!" I fangirl.
"Hey, you're my girlfriend, remember?" He pouts.
"Awww my sweet mochi, are you jealous?" I tease him.
"H-Hey, don't call me that,"

"What? Mochi?" He pouts again and I kiss his little lips.

"You know what, I change my mind. If it's from you, I'm fine," I smile with my eyes and lean in for another kiss. Suddenly, a text interrupts me.
"What's that?" He asks.
"Jin just texted me saying I need to come in at 8 this time," I reply.
"Oh? I have to go in at 8 too,"
"Of course...he knows about our situation, no wonder he's called us in at the same time," I roll my eyes. What a shipper.

After a few more kisses and some dinner, we both decide to turn in for the night.

I wake up in the bed the next morning, and find a sleeping Jimin on the floor. I gasp. His room is a mess! There are clothes and he's using half of them as a pillow.
"I love you so much," I blush, before getting up to help him onto the bed. I've taken a nursing course in school, and I know how to pick people up. But Jimin, he's a deadweight in my arms. I fall back down, and try again. He groans in his sleep.

"Halsey..." The name escapes his lips, and I accidentally drop him.

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