Chapter 9

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"Hey Jiminie, it's been about a month since I came here and I'm a little bit nervous.."

"What for?" My boyfriend gives me a backhug.

"What if I have to go back? What if I disappear?"

"Not that again...please stop thinking about that, let's just enjoy what time we can spend together now. You're my girlfriend and roommate. I absolutely love you," He places a wet kiss on the side of my neck. "I think you'd look especially good in one of my sweatshirts," I blush and rub my head against his.

"Really? Do you think we've reached the sweatshirt stage?" I ask, nervously twisting my hair in my hands.

"What's that?" He moves to the kitchen, and I pout, following him and jumping on his back for more warmth. 

"That's the time of our relationship when we're close enough to share clothes," I say, still on his back.

"Really? I think you deserve it for being so good to me. Let's go to my room," Jimin carries me to his bedroom, and we laugh and make jokes until we reach the closet. I get off his back and stare in awe. 

"Can I...?" I look at him and to the clothes.

"Yeah, take your pick," He smiles and looks at me with so much love in his eyes, oh my god is this what a newborn puppy feels like? 

I pick out the one I recognize:

"Yeah, take your pick," He smiles and looks at me with so much love in his eyes, oh my god is this what a newborn puppy feels like? I pick out the one I recognize:

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"Oh my god," He looks at me, a light blush on his cheeks.
"What?" I ask with concern filling my voice.
"You're so cute, I need a picture," Jimin takes out his phone and I pose awkwardly.

"Ugh, stop I'm so ugly,"

"No, you're perfect," He gives me a peck on the lips and I touch my lips.

"Hey!" I pull his collar and he looks at me with fear. "You can't just do that and get away with it!" I protest.

"Then, what are you gonna do about it?" He asks.

"This," I pull him close to me, and our lips crash against each other in a passionate kiss, far more passionate than the ones we usually share. I let go, and we're both panting, gasping for air.

"That was amazing, how are you such a good kisser?" Jimin looks so innocent, I feel like a total pervert compared to him.

"Shut up," I blush and walk back to the kitchen to grab some water.

"Oh, by the way the lab called earlier, they wanna test you, give you a checkup," Jimin informs me.
"Okay, when are we going?"
"You want me to come with you?" Jimin looks a bit surpised.
"Of course, you're my boyfriend," I smirk, and suddenly Jimin touches his forehead with mine, making me blush. "What is it?"

"Just let me do this...I feel like if you truly are leaving me soon, I should cherish you and treasure every single second I can with you," I blush, and close my eyes.

"Damn, I love you so much," I say, earning a giggle from Jimin.

"I love you too...falling for you was the best choice I ever made," now Jimin is blushing as he starts leaning in. Our kiss is slow and soft, much more expressive. The blood is rushing to my ears, and I can feel my heart beating very fast.

"You're such a flirt, but I love it!" I wink, and he lifts me up. 

"You're responding to it, so I guess that means I'm doing something right," Jimin kisses my cheek.

Later in the day, we travel to the lab, earning many looks from scientists. 
"Min-Ji? Who let you out of your cell?" A man yells at me.
"Min-Ji? name is Y/N, I came from an alternate universe...?" I try refreshing his memory.
"Holy shi...wait right here," He orders me.
"That was weird," Jimin says.
"I wonder what's going on," I wonder out loud.

"Y/N, please don't freak out," A scientist I got to know awhile ago arrives. "Follow me," Jimin holds my hand, I guess he sensed my discomfort.


"PLEASE LET ME GO!!! I WANNA SEE MY HUSBAND AND KIDS PLEASE!!!!" We see a woman on a tv screen, banging on the door.

"What is this?" I ask, horrified.

"Yeah, why did you lock her up?" Jimin asks the people nearby.

"She is also someone who appeared...two days ago. She just appeared in our lab, claiming we kidnapped her for ransom money," The scientist who lead us here explains.

"Why would she conclude that?" I ask.

"She kept on talking about how people kept trying to kill her because she married an idol...seriously we even looked into it and no one like that exists, her name doesn't even exist in records," The man informs us.

"What? Is it possible that she's from another universe like me?" He nods.

"We put her in an isolation room for now but she really  hates it in there," He tells me.

"Let her out then," Jimin points to the screen and now the woman is clawing at the door. 

"Excuse me sir, can you let me see her?" I ask.

"I'm allowed to, right? I can get information out of her and then we can see if she's lying or not," I say.
"Okay," He agrees and leads us down a hall.
"Jimin, stay out here," I tell him.
"You sure? What if she hurts you?"
"I think I'll be fine baby, stay here," I kiss his cheek and walk into the room.

"Jimin-ah, is that you?"

"How do you know him?" I ask bluntly.

"H-he's my husband,"

"Wait, come forward," I fold my arms. I gasp when I see her face. "You're me!" I scream. She starts screaming, mirroring me. 

"Y/N, Are you okay?!" Jimin stumbles into the room, kissing me and hugging me tightly.

"Jimin! Finally, you're here, these people locked me up and now this creepy clone is here. Wait, why are you hugging her?" The woman questions him.

"What do you mean? I don't know you," She gasps and falls back.

"Are you okay?!" I break Jimin's hug and help her up.

"No...I don't know what happened, I just went to take a nap after he told me to go to sleep and then I woke up on a lab table," She cries. 

"Okay...believe it or not I am from a different world where Jimin is an idol and in a group called BTS," The woman nods vigourously.

"Yes, I know that! I am Min-Ji, the eighth member of BTS?! The only girl in the group?" I look at her, raising my eyebrow.

"Nope...doesn't ring a bell,"

"I married Jimin, we dated for 3 years before that, and now we live happily in a villa on the edge of a lake. With two kids. I often forget we have kids because I love him so much," she laughs. Jimin and I giggle nervously.

"Well, I woke up in his bed. And confessed to him. We've been dating for a month. I hate to break it to you, but you're in another world now. BTS doesn't exist here, but I know all the members and I have a wonderful boyfriend,"

"Oh my gosh, what if this whole thing has to do with fact that we look alike? We may be the same person but different versions," She theorizes.

"You have a good point there....but how can you get dragged here if you're happy with your life back home?" I ask. She shrugs.

"Jimin is a sweet man. A great father, and wonderful husband, Jimin is like a dream come true. I just feel like I'm not enough for him, you know?" I nod, and sit down next to her.

"Of course you're worthy of him. Why else would he have dated you? Married you? Have kids with you?" I ask her.

"You're right, thanks Y/N," She nods. Suddenly, the ground starts shaking.

"What's happening?" Jimin calls out.

"I don't know!" I scream. I reach out for his hand, and the ceiling crumbles a little. Suddenly, he disappears.


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