"No disrespect but I hope you had this conversation with Kayla already. This is all like this because of her. I'm in the club minding my business, enjoying myself and she wants to just keep trying me. I couldn't be the bigger person anymore."

"You hit her with a bottle Mya she has a gash on her forehead. The pictures while she was in the hospital were horrible."

"And the shit she said to me was horrible!" I yelled.

"Watch your mouth and your tone before you get hurt Mya."

"This isn't fair! She has been doing me so bold and kept poking. I kept turning the other cheek. Ask Mariah. When I got back from Miami she started with me, I just told her to go back home but things got worse from there. Her and Syren have been trying me and that is the very last thing that I need."

"Because you're pregnant?"

I looked at her and slowly nodded.

"How far along are you?" She asked.

"Don't know yet."

"Chris knows?"

"Yes he does."

"I didn't expect you to have kids until you were 40. But knowing how you and Chris go at it like rabbits even on my couch, this isn't surprising to me. But you know that I am happy for you and I'll be here every step of the way. I have four other grandkids that I hardly get to see but I know things will be different with you."

"Ma, you know there's like an 80 percent chance that the baby will be born in California."

"I know."

"So that'll hinder things, right?"

"Well. Me and your dad have been talking and you know it's 305 til the day we die but there's nothing in Miami for us anymore. Most of our children are here. Tim is never leaving Miami so he can have our house. But it's time for something new. Your father wants to really open a restaurant and he's been talking to one of his old culinary school friends that lives here and he has a very successful spot in Compton. That's all Sam needed to hear, so we've been looking for places."

"If you guys move to LA I'll be so happy. It's so hard not being able to just get up and come to see you whenever I want."

"Yeah my baby girl is about to become a mother and I know she'll need me." My moms eyes grew watery.

"Ma don't cry, I'm super emotional. I'll be crying like a baby."

"I'm just happy for you that's all." She wiped away the few tears that slipped.

"Thank you. My doctors appointment is later the doctor is coming here so I'm glad you'll be here."

"Me too but Chris called, he wants you to catch the next flight to where he is."

I rolled my eyes. "Why?"

"He just thinks you need a break from the craziness and I agree especially being pregnant. I'm about to work over time to get Kayla to drop these charges."

"Please don't use my baby as a reason. I haven't confirmed anything and I know her spiteful ass will tell the world before I can."

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