Here We Are, But...

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Part Three

Ame: I forgot to mention- Don't curse.

Joker(Carrying a passed out Ryuji on his back): Why?

Ame: Cuz this random person will hit you. I'm gonna get knocked out when I go back... Oh well. This way.

She makes a turn, and the group follows. Amelia takes out her phone and goes to an app.

Ame:... Why did I let the questions build up..? Now I have too many...

Joker: What are you talking about? 

Mona: 'Questions'?

Ame: It's stuff. But how it looks so far with this happening... I'm gonna have to answer all of them, since there are too many.

The Thieves are confused.

Queen: That still doesn't answer our question. What are you talking about-

Ame(Lost in her own world): Though... I wonder if they'd appreciate you guys... Hey, I have an idea.

Amelia slows down, and Link looks at her curiously.

Link: Hm?

Ame: Okay, this will probably mess up the boundary between our worlds, but here it is. My friend earlier was a part of this series where people give them questions, they answer it. Though, since you guys decided this was the perfect time to attack the place, I haven't been able to answer any. It'd be nice if you could, I don't know, help?

Queen: So, after all of the things you put us through, you expect us to help you out? 

Ame: Just a thought. I mean- You guys are the ones who decided to make me resort to violence. And here I am, helping you destroy the only thing I have left. Hurt my friends, stole my troops, tried to kill Link, and here I'm helping you out. Granted, it was a deal, yes. But that only left things as they are. That list isn't fair, is it?

A girl with a red panther mask speaks up: That isn't our fault! If you think that your palace should stay the same, what evidence do you have that your desires aren't what we see? We don't go after random people! The fact you have a palace is proof enough.

Amelia falls silent, but she keeps walking. Link becomes concerned and stops. 

Link(Worried and looking towards Ame): 'What's wrong?'

Amelia doesn't respond and continues to walk, leaving Link and the Thieves to catch up. The former gives the thieves a spiteful look and tries to get Amelia's attention. 

Panther mask: ... Did I do something wrong?

Joker shakes his head, and motions for the group to go after Amelia. They follow him and eventually see that Amelia leaning her head on Link's shoulder and walking, saying something along the lines of:

"-Ever find out... You and I won't let them, right?"

Link nods.

"You think they're with her? With Spirit, I mean. Maybe not, since the real ones are here, but..." She trails off and eventually lifts her head. They made it to a big arched doorway with two doors ready to be opened.

She turns around and glances at the big group.

"These doors lead a path to the side building the treasure is in. But..." She gives a smirk.

"...We have yet to find Zelda. There was a deal, right? Find Zelda, and bring back Kirby unharmed. Then I'll show you the rest of the way." She turns around completely and stares at the group.

Amelia: What are you waiting for? Get going.

The man wearing a red, and pointy nose mask seems to have a weird expression on his face, muttering something under his breath.

Queen: But we don't even know who Zelda is. How are we supposed to find them?

Ame: You just said how to find her. Look for a group with three people: Them. Two are wearing green tunics, and Zelda is wearing a dress with a yellow triangle on it. She will also have a person wearing a pink dress with long pink hair- that is Kirby. Don't hurt him. Anything else?

Queen: Er- Anything else, Joker?

Joker: Didn't you say you sent people after them already? Why do you need us?

Ame: I said scouts were out. Not after her. But I did kinda send a whole army after her... Well, that makes it easier! Find a swarm of people and you'll have found them! 

Joker: But why do you-

Ame: They'll most likely hurt Kirby. Hey Link, come here real quick.

Link stands by her side and gives her questioning look.

Ame: Okay, see? He has blue irises. All the others have golden ones. He has humane emotions, the others don't. They don't care for anybody they don't know, so they'll most likely hurt Kirby. You all look the same to them unless you can get them to go back to their true selves. Don't harm them, unless they started it. Anything else?

Joker(shakes his head): Everyone?

They all say no.

Joker: Let's go.

They follow his lead and leave, leaving Link and Amelia alone.

Link(Waits until he is absolutely sure they are gone.):... Are you sure you should trust them?

Ame: I hope. I can't exactly fight Zelda, I'm too weak... 

Link: What do you mean? You are strong! Could take down a whole army if you wanted.

Ame: But it's Zelda. I couldn't fight her, even if I wanted to. Which I do, by the way. She's my best friend, same with Toony and Time. No matter how much I want to fight them to get them back to normal and get back Kirby, my conscience won't allow it...

Link(Pats her on the head): They aren't the real Zelda, Toon, and Time right? They are fakes. Aren't they 'gold'?

Ame: Yeah...

Link: Then you don't have to worry. They aren't the real ones we know. 

Amelia: You're right... But it seems too late now, huh?

Link: ...

Ame(looking up towards him): It'll be fine, Link. You'll remember me, and all that happened. I won't forget you either, okay? We'll meet again. Someday, we'll cross paths and remember.

Link: Are you sure? 

Ame(nodding): Of course. I'd never lie, especially about a topic like this.

Link:... I'll take your word then. We'll meet sometime in the real world.

Amelia gives a smile and reaches for Link's hand. He allows her to hold his hand and weaves his fingers through hers.

Ame: I promise.

Link(Gently smiling back): I... I promise, too. 


Finally back from camp! Hope you enjoyed this week's chapter, and see you next week!

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