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Kirby: Meta Knight, we have another question!

Meta Knight: Oh really?

Kirby: Yep!

Meta: alright then, what's it say?

Kirby: It's from... "beetrootparadise" again! They asked, "Who is your worst enemy ever?"

Kirby: I guess I'd have to say... King DeDeDe. But ... I've faced multiple enemies trying to put Planet popstar at risk.


Meta:... I'm guessing I have to answer that question as well.

Kirby: Mhmm!

Meta: Well... My worst enemy is...

Kirby(Eating popcorn and sitting in a chair)


Meta(Angry mark remains): Anyway, my worst enemy is Galacta knight.

Kirby: Oh?

Meta: But... I'd rather not speak of him right now, as that is a personal matter.

Kirby: I understand what you mean...

Kirby: That seems to be the only question we got... Oh well, maybe next time.

Meta: Don't forget to leave your questions in the comments.

Meta: And don't forget to vote to get this book more questions and longer chapters.

Kirby: Bye!

(Originally Published June 2, 2018.)
(Edited November 27, 2022)

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