You Aren't Mad... Right?

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(At 3 in the morning, Kirby seemed to be doing something.)

Kirby(Hushed): ...ok, this should be good. He shouldn't find it... Let see... From @naotomirai, they said "I going give a dare. I dare Kirby to store meta knight's mask without let him know in 5 days" Hmm... Yep, this is what they said... Ok, back before he notices...

(Kirby rushes back to the room that he and M.K shares, and climbs back in bed before the knight notices he was even gone.)


(The same morning. Day one of the "lost" mask)

(mumbling): It should be here... I left it right here... where is it..?

Kirby(Just waking up): Uh... Whatcha looking for?

M.K: Oh, did I wake you up? Sorry, Kirby.

Kirby: You didn't wake me up, but what are you looking for?

M.K: I can't find my mask, I was sure it was right here...

Kirby(Definitely not suspicious): Maybe you misplaced it? And, um, I thought you had two masks.

M.K: I got rid of the full one, remember? I kept the half one.

Kirby: O-oh

M.K: Kirby, you know this. How did you forget?

Kirby: Slipped my mind? Anyway, I think we have some new asks.

M.K: ...Give me a second.

Kirby: Okay...

(Kirby leaves with some clothes and changes into his daily outfit from his pajamas. After a while, Meta leaves the bedroom in his usual as well. Missing his mask still.)

Kirby: Still can't find it?

M.K: No, I'll just have to make do without it. What are the questions today?

Kirby: This one is for me! It's from @Vivicatz! They asked, "This one's for Kirby- do you prefer Meta with or without the mask?"

Kirby: Since I don't usually get to see him without his mask, I like it when he doesn't have his mask on. But I don't bother him about though, for privacy reasons.

M.K: ...

Kirby: Anyway, I still love you for you. Masked or not.

M.K(hides face, blushing): A-Anyway, what's the next question?

Kirby: Not really a question but more of just a comment. This is from @MarxtheCosmicJester.They said, "Could you read the holy bible? It is real and you will definitely benefit from doing so. Goodbye."

Kirby: Um... What's a bible?


Kirby: I still don't really understand some of these things... Meta usually knows everything...

M.K: Even this is a bit confusing...

Kirby: Oh well! And there's a dare for you, Meta. It's from @beetrootparidise! You can read it.

M.K(reads the dare):...

Kirby: What's it say?

M.K: It doesn't say anything. Just another comment. That's the last one right?

Kirby(trying to not look suspicious): Y-Yep! Make sure to comment and vote for more and longer chapters!

M.K: And make sure to leave your questions and dares as well.

Kirby: Bye!

(Meta Knight still couldn't find his mask. Kirby decided not to say anything. End of day one.)

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