Hey Guys!

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Author: Happy(really late) Easter! I don't know how, but somehow I forgot that Easter happened...

Kirby: What's Easter?

Author: It's a day where kids look for eggs and eat the candy that's inside! I also needed to update before everyone wondered where the new chapter is... I got things to do in real life, and I had to start over since I suddenly realized how dumb it originally was... Sorry 'bout that! It will be out by the end of the week, I can promise you that!

Meta: Every time you promise to update, you never follow through-

Author: Did somebody say something? Did you hear somebody, Kirby?

Kirby: I think that was Meta...

Author: Really? I don't think he's here!

Meta: I'm next to you...

Author: I heard it again! Jeez, how weird! Well, moving on from that, I just wanted to keep you guys updated about why I didn't update the book yet! See ya soon(Hopefully)!

Meta: I heard that-

Author(Punched him before he could finish): OK, Bye!

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