Thank you ,thank you

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I woke up in what looks like a infirmary I was laying down in a hospital bed fully clothed with a old woman looking straight Down at me with a kind smile. I smiled back

"hello dearie my name is Sandra and I'm here to make sure you and your baby are okay and hopefully get you out of here" she says

"thank you you are so kind" I say almost crying

"it's okay dearie so as you can see I've cleaned your wounds it may take time to heal but let's check that baby of yours"

She grabbed a ultrasound machine and plugged it into the wall. Sandra lifted up my top and rubbed some cold gel on my stomach she got the machine and moved it around my stomach and on the screen I seen my baby for the first time. I heard its heartbeat I felt something inside something I haven't felt before.

"you're baby is fully formed probably because of the Alpha blood you haven't got long now child you're very lucky you will be showing soon" she says

I feel tears streaming down my face not tears of sadness tears of happiness something I haven't felt in a while.

"so how am I going to get out of here and why are you helping me" I ask

"To answer your question my grandson Steven will help escape and I'm helping you because your just a child you don't deserve this and a little birdie told me your the only one who could stop him but if you get caught don't bring me into it"

"thank you really for everything you're too kind" I cry

"it's okay child my grandson one of his main men but he didn't do this to you he's too kind he's the information guy just remember he can only get you out" she says kindly

"it's okay Sandra I understand" I reply

Sandra was filling me in on the plan on how to make my escape and it could just work when the door slammed open and the devil himself Came in with a big evil smirk on his face.

"Little one I'm glad your awake" he says

I growl. He laughs

"I've got some news for you your mate of yours is dead you should of seen the look on his face when I ripped his heart out it was just too easy"

I just screamed I couldn't believe my ears my body just shook I burst out crying my heart aches its like the world stopped I couldn't hear anything.

I look at him

He smirks "bye Little one I'll see you later we have business to discuss" he says and walks out the door.

Sandra tries to calm me down but I couldn't think of anything but him my mate and I couldn't help but think it was my fault why did he have to have me as a mate just why. And if I ever get out of hear least it taught me a lesson.

NEVER FALL IN LOVE PEOPLE I MEAN IT. it only breaks your heart or kills you

"Child I know how hard it is to loose a mate I lost mine is well but it will get easier in time but you will always feel like your missing something but sweetie I know it's hard right now but you just have to focus on that baby of yours right now she's your life now we need to focus on getting you out of here "

She wipes the tears from my face gently and wrapps her arms around me she sits here rocking me and letting me cry. After Sandra had finally calm me down I realised I haven't got time to greave yet anyway I need to focus on my unborn child and we go through the plan again.

When he walks in with the most evil look on his face.

"Little one I believe we have things to discuss" he says with evil glint in his eye

"What do you want" I spat

"That's easy little one I want you, I want you to bare my mark, carry my pups, be my wife together we will be powerful and take over the world with your power we will be unstoppable" he says

"You wish I will never be yours" I spat

He comes up to me and drags me across the floor by my hair and lifts me up and says "you look just like your mother" he says

I growl he flings me on the floor

"And have the eyes of that disgusting human" he growls

I hit the cold hard floor and hiss

"Don't talk about my mother" I growl

"Anyway we can talk about this later I came hear to kill that thing inside of you" he says and points at my stomach

I growl "you come near me and I swear I will kill you and thats a promise"

He laughs "Are you sure about that little one with that thing gone you can carry my pups"

I laugh "Do you ever think I would go near you"

He growls he clicks his fingers and his men come in and pin me down his eyes turn black his claws extend and he bends down and digs his claws into my stomach as they get deeper and deeper I try not to scream but it just hurts to much I let out a earth shaking scream

Lilly's pov

It's been a few days since Leahs left and I've been worrying about her ever since especially because she's living with that devil of a men I really hope she's okay. Tristan's set on vengeance and let's just say you don't want to mess with him right now he's Training the pack right now for War ands he's taking no prisoners I would say Tristan forgave me for not telling him about Leah but he hasn't he's blaming me I wish he would just know its hurting me to I've said sorry a thousand times.

He sends the strongest pack warriors out to find anything but each time they find nothing but the more they come back finding nothing the more angry he gets also the more drunk the pack is sick of it I just hope pray Leah finds her way home some how. Kye trys to tell me not to worry too much because its not healthy for the baby I'm sorry to say this right now but I'm not thinking about the baby right now.

Does that make me a bad person

Leah's Pov

He pulls his claws out of my stomach I scream bloods pouring out his men let me I hold my stomach to try and stop the blood he's men leave he points to Sandra and says

"Take the baby out and patch her up" he says she noddes

He then looks at me "one of my men will be bringing me to you when you get patched up" he says

I look away he then leaves the room a few minutes later Steven comes in Sandra's Grandson he hugs his nan and says something I can't quite hear I feel my self being in and out of consciousness. He then comes over to me and lifts me up in his arms and says "let's get you out of here"

I say thank you and thats all I remember because next all I see is darkness.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. We have nearly came to an end of this book so far I've hope you enjoyed it and continue reading and voting thanks for reading xoxoxo

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