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Me and Lilly were back at my house getting ready for the party. As usual Lilly was making a fuss of me telling me what I should wear what I shouldn't. to be honest I don't care what I wear it shouldn't matter what I wear if people have a opinion they can go do one. Do you honestly think I care what people think about me? I don't only the people who matter to me I do.

After going through my whole closest Lilly finally found the perfect outfit.

"Lea you should totally wear this dress it would make you look hella cute and gorge 2.0"

It was black which I like but short I'm not really comfortable in those kind of outfits plus I hate wearing dresses they don't suit me.

"Lil, it's nice but I don't really wear dresses I don't feel comfortable in them they weren't made for people like me"

"Lea you will look absolutely breathtaking in that dress this type of dress was made for you if I had a figure like yours boii and you should feel comfortable express your self"

"your just saying that Lil because you're ma bestie but if it makes you happy il wear it but this is the only time I repeat you will make me wear a dress again"

"As your bestie you should know I'm telling you the truth you look gorge when have I ever lied to you lea"

"Well there was that time when-"

"actually don't answer that those were little white lies nothing serious plus it wasn't about you".
So I put on the black dress it fitted me perfectly I looked at myself in the mirror and I actually felt good Lilly straightend my hair left it down and for my makeup she put a little bit of lippy and mascara and gave me some flats. I don't like wearing a lot of makeup you get some people who wear to much and I'm like what are you doing to yourself your natural beautiful.
We were created perfectly why change your appearance. Lilly was wearing a red dress with her hair in a bun and some heels and a bit of makeup she looked amazing as usual she owned her style.

"Girl you ready to own that Party " Lilly said.
"Girl you know I own everything I do"

Me and Lilly left my house and went to the party I was kinda nervous as I told you before partying isn't my thing my wolf Charlie was excited she kept telling me she can feel something goods going to happen to us .

When we got to the party it looks like everyone was having a good time. Everyone was drinking dancing laughing. I thought to myself this doesn't seem too bad until Lilly ditched me and started to dance with some stranger. I mindlinked her and said "thanks for leaving me I'm getting a drink I can't handle this without it.

I went to get a drink when I smelt the most amazing smell it was intoxicating " mate" "mate" my wolf says. oh no I need to get out of here I don't want to find my mate I go to turn around when I bump into some one "oh sorry I say" I then meet his eyes he has the most mesmerising eyes you can get lost in them.

He starts sniffing the air then growls "mate" I shiver the whole room goes from being loud to silent everyone has stopped what they were doing and just looked at us.

Oh sugar............

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