She's Gone

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Tristan's pov

I watched my mate walk away from me I couldn't do nothing I promised her will let her go but I will her back because she is mine. She looked so upset Leah didn't want to leave I just want to know what was making her or who and when I find our they are dead. I mean no one and I mean no one takes what belongs to me.

"don't let mate go after her now" my wolf growls he trys to take control of my body to try and go after her

My eyes are black my wolfes taking over I can feel my self slightly sliping away but I can't let my wolf take over

"no we can't follow her we promised" I reply
"no you did I want mate" my wolf says

We mutual decide to just go for a run and think about it later plus we just couldn't go looking for her we have a pack to run.

Later on I'm back in the pack house I feel all eyes on me I hear whispers "did you hear the Luna left" ? "She wasn't luna worth anyway"
"why didn't Alpha reject her" not all of them were bad only a few

I growl "How dare you talk about your luna this way you disrespect her again I wouldn't hesitate to kill you she wouldn't leave without a valid reason"

I storm out the room and go straight to my office and start breaking everything init I need to let my anger out somewhere. I need a drink I go to draw in my desk and take out a bottle of brandy and neck it down I kick my desk over and all my paperwork came flying on to the floor the photograph I have of me and my mate smashed into millions of pieces I remember the day we took that photo it was raining and we were stuck inside I finished the pack business we were in our room just taking silly pictures I mean this girl can't take a picture without using a filter I told her she didn't need one so she took her first picture with me without it I had my arms wrapped around her and she was just making this weird kissy face looking at me that was our only photo together.

You may think I'm being soppy or something but she isn't just any normal girl she's my mate without her I feel empty our bond is getting weaker and weaker she's only been gone probably about a hour or so now but it feels way longer.

Knock knock knock

"come in" I reply

Kye came into the office took into his surroundings and shook his head

"Look I know you're mate just left but you can't drink your sorrows away and trash your office you need to fix up man Leah wouldn't want you to do this and I'm sure she has her reasons for leaving fix up and be an Alpha"

I growl "Don't you dare talk to me like that I am the Alpha not you. You are Beta act like one"

"you may be my Alpha but I'm also your best friend and I'm trying to help you you vowed to look after the pack so that's what you got to do I'll sort this mess out just put the drink down and go sleep on it"

"I'm sorry I'm just I can't think straight with out her your right I am the Alpha I have to start acting like one"

He nodded towards the bottle of brandy in my hand I passed it to him and treaded through the mess I made trying not to do anymore damage to anything valuable and went to my room leaving Kye there to fix my mess.

Lilly's Pov

My best friend has gone we always knew they were going to find her someday but there was always hope that it wouldn't happen. I'm really worried about Leah's gone through so hard times in her life she deserves a break to be happy. It hurt to say goodbye i can't imagine not ever seeing her again our children were going to grow up together be best friends. She never wanted any of this she didn't want a mate because she didn't to fall in love and what's even worse she's now carrying his pup that might not never see the light of day she may never see the light of day again and that gives me chills.
From what I know about that man he is evil wicked and vile.

Near the pack house there's this wall that I just sit on just to think about everything its always very peaceful out here so I just came to sit on the wall to think about everything I need to tell Tristan whats going on so he can go and find her and bring her home I know I promised her I will but I got no choice I just want her safe I can't bare that the next time I might see her may be in a box.

"hey babe where are you I just want to check your okay I can feel your hurting I don't like it"

"Kye I'm out on the wall can you come I need you she promised me she'll find away back"

"Im coming sweetie"

I turn of the mindlink waiting for him to come staring at my surroundings.
I feel strong arms wrapped around me I lean into him knowing its my mate I just stay in his embrace for a little in silence before I break it

"How's Tristan he must be feeling worse than I feel I couldn't imagine how I would feel it was you who left without a reason" I say

He presses his lips on mine and mumbles "I would never do that to you I promise"

"And Tristan well he's doing as expected he trashed his office not well"

"I just feel guilty I shouldn't of let her go I should of told someone she won't last I know she's strong but without her mate she's not strong enough. Especially against him she's going to die and there's nothing we can do" I say with tears streaming down my face Kye rubbs my back and presses light kisses where I bare his mark I inhale his sweet scent

"Honey bee what do you mean Especially against him do you know what is going on if you do you need to tell me please"

"what have I told you about calling me Honey bee" i pout

"I love it when you pout" he growls

"I know you do I'm upset can you make me feel better" I pout

I trail my fingers down his chest he growls

"stop trying to change the subject what do you know this is serious"

"I Can't tell you I promised I don't break my promises" I say

"Honey bee she's your best friend she's in danger you need to tell me what's going on" he says

"I can't don't you think I haven't thought about saying something but it could put us all in danger Leah wouldn't want that"

"fine I guess we have to do this the hard way"

"Kye what do mean the hard way" I say

He smirks "just wait and see honey bee"

I growl

He starts tickling me I start laughing out loud hysterically "please stop" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha "stop please"

"only if you tell me what you know" he says

"fine" I giggle

So I tell him everything Leah told me. Its for the best right by telling Kye we can get Leah back faster.

You may think my mood switched easily but being with your mate makes time stop all your problems go away. But when you're alone again your emotions gets the best of you.

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter. I would also like to thank you to the people who commented and told me what they think of my story I appreciate it. I have listened and made it a bit longer but the next chapters are going to be way longer I promise. And soon you will find out who is controlling Leah.
So thank you for reading please vote for this chapter xoxoxo

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