Please Stay With Me

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Tristan's pov

I promised my self when I found my mate I would protect her at all costs lately I haven't been very good at that Leah may not have been hurt physically but emotionally and the worst part is it was by me. When Leah forgave me I made a new promise to protect my mate and my pup at all costs even if it's me they need protecting from.

Everything seems to be running smoothly which I'm glad because I don't need anymore drama.

I was in my office just nahh I'm going to be honest I wasn't doing much I just still can't get my head around the whole being pregnant stuff the worst part is I haven't even got long she will be due in 3 months. Why couldn't she be human at least I'll have nine months.

"Alpha are you busy"

"come in Kye and you know you can call me Tristan"

"Did you make up with Leah because Lilly's really angry at you she's one step from ripping your throat out man"

"first of you need to learn how to control your women and don't worry I made Leah love me again" I winked

"whatever man how are you handling the baby situation me personally I've had enough Lilly hormones are all over the place just wait until Leah gets to that stage"

"Leah was hormonal even before she was pregnant don't worry I can handle her I have a good idea how to keep her happy if you know what you mean"

"good luck with that Tris"

The next minute the door was flung open and Angrey Leah came storming in.

"excuse me what the frick do you mean I'm hormonal all the time and don't worry I can handle her also you ugly ass potato head are not coming near this perfect specimen. you think I'm too much to handle don't you"

She went on rambling and crying hysterically

"am I not good enough for you"

Then Lilly came rushing in gun blazing pointing her finger at me

"you what have you done this time"
I don't know where she got it from but she started hitting with a stick

"you douche bag I've had enough of you hurting my best friend"

I tried to walk away from her but there was no escape from that mad woman with a stick

"Kye a little help here"

"no can do Alpha you said you had it under control" he started laughing oh how I wish I could punch that smug face of his right now.

Luckly we were interrupted and this crazy woman can stop attacking me at the time I thought I was lucky.

Kyes eyes glazed over

"Alpha we have a breech on the border"

"shit" I say
Time to get in Alpha mode on no more messing around.

"Kye gathere all the warriors make sure they say their good byes just incase. Leah and Lilly as luna and beta female gather all women and children and take them and your self to the underground's and do not come out until one of comes and collects you"

They all submit apart from Leah, Lilly and Kye leave say there good byes.

"why can you never follow orders princess"

"I don't want you to go you might not come back I can't loses you"

I pull Leah into my embrace "I have to princess its my job to protect you and the pack I am the Alpha"

"its too dangerous let me come with you please. You nearly died last time"

"that was because I didn't have something worth fighting for I have you now ill try my best to come back to you our little family"

"please Stay let the warriors fight stay with me" I can see tears start streaming down her face

I cup her face in my hand "you know I can't I promised to protect this pack and that's what I'm going to do"

More tears streams down her face she let's out a whimper. She looks into my eyes
"promise me you'll come back"

"baby girl you know I can't promise that"

"why can't you I can't lose you I just Can't"

"Look princess I love you so much and I promise you I'll try okay"

She presses her lips against mine as if its our last time our lips will meet again and I reply. I pull away. "if we don't"
"shush, grab my waist, pull me closer this could be our last time" she says
She puts my hand around her waist

"Leah look"

Her lips were on mine I let her devour me our tounges meeting in perfect harmony.

"Princess I got to go I love you"

As I leave I hear a painful scream
"don't leave meeeeeeeee please don't leave me" I hear her wail

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue to vote. Thanks for reading my story please Stay tuned for more xoxoxo

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