Chapter 22

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Hawkeye's POV

I laid in my bed for a couple of hours staring at the letters in my hands. In here might be the answer to all of our questions. Why am I not opening it? Because I am scared. To cowardly to open it because to see what's inside might be too much for me. What if my father is the problem... Or even worst. Am I the problem. Questions filled my head as I tried to figure out what I should do.

BJ is in Surgery and Charles is on duty in Post Op. They won't ever know I have the letters and I read them. Slowly I turned the envelope over and flipped the flap open. I pulled out a letter that looked like it has been read a hundred times over and over again. Two papers were familiar because it was the same letter Rachel and I read together. I turned to the next page to find one sentence: You still must never tell him. Him? Who is my father talking about?

After a couple minutes I realized it was me. I'm the him. Who else could it be? I opened a folded up paper written by Rachel.


I honestly don't know what to call you because of how long we've been away, but that's not the point. I made a promise and I have kept that promise, but it all seems childish to me to keep it this long. The pain that you brought me has never gone away and I am really not caring on what you think. You are not my father. Who cares if you hate me forever. Even if you killed me it wouldn't hurt because I died a long time ago. Well not really. There is still a spark of light because of Hawkeye and the people I've met since I left.

"Hey Hawk whatcha reading? Another one of Charles's boring and slightly annoying letters to his mother?" BJ asked as he sat down on his cot. So it was my father.

"Uh no, b-but it's sort of..." I stopped.

"It's alright Hawk," BJ said. "If it's that one girl from Tokyo..."

"No no no no no no no. Beej it's... Never mind." I said.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"Okay I know how I said I didn't find anything in Rachel's tent, but I actually found these letters under her mattress." I said. BJ looked at me intently and looked for more information. "Well here, just take the letters and read them. I don't want to look at them anymore. I think I'm gonna go for a walk." I handed BJ the letters and walked out the door. Charles almost walked

"Oh Charles what a pleasant surprise," I said.

"Well I beg to differ scuse me I have a bed to get to and try to get some sleep that will not come," Charles said. "Good day."

"Oh well bye," I said. What to do. What to do at a time like this...

"How bout I go buy myself a drink," I said to myself. Down the street to the officers club for a drink I go.

"Come again sir?" I heard from behind me... Or below me.

"Who said that?" I called out.

"Me sir." I looked down to see Radar with his beanie and clipboard. All miniaturized for his size. I all of us always make fun of his height and how innocent and cute of a guy he is. Sometimes I wish I could be like that again. But then I don't remember when I ever was like that. Maybe that's why I respect him in a way.

"Oh sorry Radar I didn't see you there," I said as a joke. He looked up at me annoyed.

"C'mon Hawk could you please cut that out! I'm not that short!" Radar argued. It's so adorable when little wisps of steam come out of his ear.

"Ok I'm sorry. Now can I interest you in a nice cool grape NeHi at the O club today young sir?" I said in a British accent. He didn't say anything. "Do I hear a yes?"

"Uhh Hawkeye I came to tell you that you have garbage duty for a couple hours later," Radar said slowly. Well it's not as bad as KP duty (kitchen duties that nobody likes to do so it's a punishment for them)

"Radar," I started when Radar screamed,"Oh Geez I'm sorry I know it's garbage duty and you might have some plans, but I'm oh gee I'm really sorry Hawkeye!"

"Radar calm down I'm not mad. I'll take it later," I said.

"Really?" Radar looked surprised. "Cause last time you almost punched me for it." I did? When was that? Never mind it's over.

"What about that drink now?" I said. Radar thought it over and looked at his clipboard. He made mental notes and then said,"Well I got the files and morning reports done and did told you about the stuff so yeah sure why not."

Sorry this is short but there is more to come. Also an IMPORTANT MESSAGE!!! My friends and I have created a group account and will be writing stories on that. So if you would like to check that out the name is VeyMatt_03 and it's stories written by v-Vourtney, Nicky_Itami03, whyreadatall, mapleteaMattie, and a couple others. Feel free to check them out too! Thank you! Please vote!

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