chapter 11

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I read this quote today," The world would be a far better place if more people listened to the wisdom of Hawkeye Pierce." I think this is half true. What do you think?

Hawkeye's POV

Twelve hours of surgery and my head feels like its going to explode. My eyes are shutting tight too.

"Pierce go get some shut eye," Col potter said. " Scalpel, Hunnicut and I can finish up here."

"Yeah go to sleep Hawk, retraction, you look like you need it," BJ said.

"Fine fine fine I will go to sleep, but you might need to mail me there my feet are nailed to the floor," I said sleepily.

When is the war going to stop bringing these casualties? They'll keep coming whether I'm here or not. Trapper went home and they're still coming.... Henry got killed and they're still coming. Wherever they come from, they'll never run out. Which is also asking when the war is over? Which is never. Its never ending it goes on forever!! When they're done with this war, they take it on the road. They can't get enough of it.

Charles was snoring away in his bunk... and he says he doesn't snore.

"Hello bed," I said happily. "Get ready to snuggle because I'm coming in." I love sleep. All of us try to get some if we can. Sleep is the only way out of this stinking war. Sometimes it gets into our dreams and that's when dreams become nightmares.

"Pierce Shut Up!!!!" Charles yelled

"Sorry, am I sleeping to loudly for you?" I asked into my pillow. My head was to heavy to pick up.

"Your snoring has become unbearable," Charles yelled. I got up from my bed with as much energy I could muster and yelled," My snoring?"

"Yes your snoring have I made that unclear?" He said. "Your snoring!!!"

"Charlie that is YOUR snoring," I yelled. "Not mine." Charles turned tomato red again.

"I do not snore Pierce a Winchester never snores," He said with pride.

"You Charles," I said. "Are the loudest person I have ever met."

"I beg your pardon," He said.

"Begging your pardon sir you snore louder than a bomb!!" I yelled. "Even the Chinese would back away from your snoring."

Charles got up from his bed and picked up his mattress. "I am leaving this tent from now on," He yelled.

"Yeah do us all a favor," I said.

"Gentlemen!" Charles almost walked into BJ when he came out the door.

"It worked?" BJ asked.

"Sure did," I said and we both started laughing. We placed a tape recorder of someone snoring and hid it under Charles's cot. Then Klinger ran and turned it on when Charles went to go take a nap.

"Remind me to go give Klinger ten bucks," I said. "If I don't spend it on poker next week."

"I will... maybe," he said.

"Well I'm going to make love to my pillow," I said. "Goodnight BJ."

"Goodnight Hawk," BJ said.

As soon as my head hit the pillow, I passed out. I dreamt a good dream of an imaginary nurse of my dreams and home.

Rachel's POV

Major Houlihan had us working until 1:00 in the morning. The surgeons work and the nurses work and clean up. Since I've been here for a while, I've slightly gotten used to the long hours, but I still get tired from all the hard work. The scary part is, is that I'm cleaning blood from all of those teenagers. They should be worrying about girlfriends and love triangles not when they are going to die.

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