Chapter 19

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Morning reports, duty roster, and what else was there? I got my notebook out and checked. A requisition form for some supplies that Col. Potter signs.

"Sir," I said walking in.

"Radar," Col Potter said at the same time as me. "I'm never going to get used to that." He said while shaking his head.

"That's alright sir," I said with a smile. I walked over to his desk and handed him the folder with all the papers in it. "Sir, You need to sign this requisition form for some supplies for the nurses and you have to initial this form that says that you signed the requisition and then you sign this form to show that you initialed for the requisition form."

The colonel shook his head and continued signing. "I will never get these army regulations."

"It's best not to try. They used to keep me up all night." I said.

"Well the sleep is bad enough already, I dont need a sleepy Corporal on the job," Col Potter snapped. I started to shake a bit cause I always get scared when he yells.

Col Potter saw how scared I was and sighed. "I'm sorry son, I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just this damn war is getting to me."

I relaxed and smiled,"Oh it's alright sir, just comes with the job."

"How about a bottle of twelve year old scotch?" Col Potter asked. He got up to his liquor cabinet and took out a bottle of scotch.

"Oh no sir alcohol makes me feel woosy," I said. I would prefer a nice cold bottle of Grape NeHi I thought to myself. Maybe I'll share one with Rachel at the officers club later.

"Suit yourself Radar," Col Potter said. I walked back into my office and started finishing my letter to my mom.

Sorry that was work again mom. Things are getting pretty hectic around here. I have had to add about ten more bottles of Grape NeHi to my diet. We also had a big rush of casualties yesterday. The doctors and nurses are really something you know? Hawkeye Pierce and Rachel work together perfectly. Maybe it's because they are brother and sister. Well almost... Rachel is adopted, but still they work together real well. Charles gets jealous on how well Hawkeye is doing as a surgeon. Still thinks he should be chief surgeon. Rachel and I are still together and people are always talking about us. Not in a bad way I hope. How's the farm? Gee I hope Ol Daisy is alright. Do the cats miss me? What about Uncle Ed? I miss his jokes. Hawkeye's jokes are funny an all, but I miss Uncle Ed's jokes. Have to go back to work now. Love you mom and tell the others and the animals I miss them too.

From you loving son,

Radar Orielly

Klinger burst through the door as I put my letter in a folder on my desk. Under S for send. He was wearing a new dress I knew he just made it. A gold sparkly dress with a brown scarf. He also had a furry scarf which make the animals nervous. Can't blame them it's so sad, just thinkin about that little guy scurrying about before bam!! He's a scarf. I looked down and saw Klinger wearing white high heels. He was holding a white handbag too. Boy does he dress weird.

"Klinger you can't go in there!!" I yelled and tried to block the door. "He's in a bad mood and doesn't want to see anybody. I'm sorry, but especially you if your dressed like that."

Klinger tried to push me aside and yelled,"Out of my way short stack!"

"I'll fight ya," I yelled. The door to the Col's office opened.

"What in the hell is..." The Col stopped when he saw Klinger. "Just one day Klinger where I don't have to hear this." I could tell he was trying to keep calm.

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