chapter 6

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"Hey wake up!" someone said as they shook me awake.

"Huh?" Is all I could muster. I looked up and saw one of the nurses.

"Its breakfast so we wanted you to come with us." She points to the other nurses getting ready for breakfast.

"Oh I'm sorry I'll hurry up." I said and got up and began to dress as quick as I could.

"Hey don't rush it you're fine." She reassured me. "I'm Kellie Nakahara by the way." She stuck her hand out for a hand shake.

"Rachel," I smiled and shook her hand. Then all of the nurses introduced themselves. There was Ann, Betty, Carol, and Kathy.

I got dressed quickly and hurried out the door with the other nurses.

"Well yesterday Hawkeye was quiet in OR after he talked to you." Betty said. "I need to know how you did that?"

"I don't know what happened." I said as a matter of factly. "One minute we were talking and the next minute we weren't."

"Well he can go on and on for hours and never shut up," Ann said.

"By the way since you are a new nurse, a fair warning to you." She whispered. "Be careful of Hawkeye because he will try to ask you out and if you say no you will be chased." She said. "Learned that the hard way."

"Wow thats creepy!!" I said. My Hawkeye was usually like that.

"No kidding." everyone said. "We'll try to keep him away from you as much as we can." We finally got to the mess tent.

"Well here we are." Nurse Kellie said.

"Our wonderful mess tent," She said jokingly. "It looks as bad as it smells." I started to laugh. We got our food and sat at the far end of the tent.

"Try to eat your food before it eats you first." Someone said behind me after I sat down. I didn't want to look behind me because I could tell from the voice who it was.

"Go away Hawkeye we want to eat in peace with our new friend." Betty said.

"Well fine just trying to be friendly. No need to snap." He said and he walked away. Well time to dig in if I survive till the next meal. 


She was right there!!!!! I could have talked to her, but no! The nurses wouldn't let me.

"So I guess you're little attempt to see the nurse was a failure," Charles chuckled as he spread what looked like jam on his stale toast that could have been left overs from World War Two. 

"Yes, now shut up Charles because I need to know something!!!!!" I yelled. "It's been bugging me for awhile." 

"Okay well maybe if you get on your hands and knees to beg she will tell you that she does not want to go on your midnight Storage Room charade," Charles said chuckling. 

"I think I just saw the egg move to the side a bit... I lost my appetite," BJ said. He threw his fork and knife to the side and slid the tray aside. 

"Are you even listening to this?" I asked BJ.

"Not really, I try not to get into your nurse business." BJ said. Charles was chuuckling rather annoyingly. 

"Charles stop laughing god damn it!!!!" I yelled. I slammed my  hand on the table to show how angry I was and walked out of the mess tent. 

I walked back to The Swamp and fell on my cot. Didn't I have a picture of us two together?? I think I put it in that wallet, but what did I do with it? I walked over to my foot locker and started searching.

An old sock that hasn't been washed in the last century, some old letters from my father, my old plunger toy, and Finally I found the wallet. Maybe BJ wants it, he has been looking for a nice wallet and I have no use for it here. I looked inside and found a couple of dollars and an old photograph. BINGO!!!! I turned it over and saw two young faces staring at me. One was me at age 11 and the other one was a little girl with brown pigtails. She was my sister at age 8. She is so cute. I can't really tell if nurse Rachel is really my sister. I couldn't see her full face, but I know they have the same eyes. How am I supposed to find out by her eyes!!!

BJ walked in and said," What the hell was all that about? Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I said and put my hands on my face. "Something is bugging me."

"Want to talk about it?" he asked.

"Its about the new nurse Rachel." I waited for a come back. "Anyway I knew someone with that name when I was young and she reminds of the nurse."

"So who is this mysterious person?" BJ asked.

"A couple years after my mom died, my father adopted Rachel.... When I was about thirteen, we couldn't afford for everybody so we took her back to the orphanage."

"Wow!" BJ said surprised. "Well that's new."

"Because I never wanted to bring that back in the open." I said and started tearing up. BJ walked over and sat next to me.

"Don't cry!" he said. "It'll only make the feelings worse."

"Here's her picture I can't bear to look at it." I said. But then began to smile as I remembered old memories of us. 

"She certainly is a charmer," BJ said.

"Thanks." I said. Oh! What time is it?"

"0:700" Bj said

"Alright well I have POst Op duty so ill see you later," I said and walked to Post Op.

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