Chapter Nine: Mr. Murphy

Start from the beginning

"We'll start with you young lady. When is it appropriate to use a semicolon?" He walked away from the board and stood beside my desk, looking down at me expectantly.

Fear raced through me, overtaking all rational control. My mind was abuzz with screaming questions, all demanding answers. My lips shook as I parted them, debating whether to scream.

"Wh-what do you want with me?" I stammered, my voice breaking at the end as tears escaped my eyes. He shook his head and clucked his tongue. My body trembled with fear as he continued to linger beside me.

"Wrong answer," he whispered, reaching behind his back and pulling out a long steel knife. My body shook violently at the sight of the menacing blade. My mouth gaped open in horror but I failed to produce any sound. Slowly, as if purposely torturing me he lowered the blade down to my left arm. Furiously I shook my head in protest, pure terror gripping my heart.

In one swift movement he dug the the tip of the blade into my flesh and sliced my arm open. I screamed in pain as blood gushed from the cut and collected into a large puddle on the table. Like a waterfall the blood streamed over the side of the desk and formed into a pool of blood beneath my feet. I stared at the blade he clutched in his hand, my blood glistening on the metallic surface. A wave of dizziness overwhelmed me as I whimpered in fear.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I shrieked, tears tumbling down my cheeks. He pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the blood from the blade. He leaned down and placed his mouth inches from my ear.

"Its the only way you'll learn!" He hissed, his breathing warm against my cold cheek. His lips formed into a thin line as he pulled away. He walked over to Carl and looked down at him the same way he did to me. My arm ached ferociously but I refused to look at it. I didn't want to see the damage he had done. I could feel the blood continue to pour from the gash. I swallowed the lump in my throat and blinked away the tears, desperately trying to regain rational thought.

"Perhaps you will fair better young man. How old was the Egyptian pharaoh, Tutankhamun when he died?" Carl stared at him, his mouth agape. The man, with the knife still in his hand raised an eyebrow, awaiting a response.

"Uh.. um.. h-he was ei-eighteen?" Carl stuttered, his answer sounding more like a question. The man smiled and laughed a deep cackling sound. Carl squeezed his eyes shut and tensed his whole body, preparing for what was to come.

"Very good young man! If only all my students were as intelligent and polite as you." He craned his neck and looked at me with a dark glare. I cowered under his gaze and squirmed as far away from him as the bands would allow. Carl opened his eyes and looked at me with concern.

I began quivering uncontrollably as he walked over to me once again. He stood beside me silently for a few moments before he leaned down to my level. I shut my eyes and pursed my lips, attempting to gain control over my fear. His heavy breathing forced strands of hair to flutter around my face, a reminder of his presence.

"I hope for your sake that you get this question right girl. Where did the twelve Greek gods reside?" He asked, each word sounding like a hiss from a snake.

I thought furiously, racking my brain for the answer. I knew the answer, I just couldn't think with the fear coursing through my veins. My eyes caught sight of the steel blade he clutched in his hand and my fear amplified. All rational thoughts I held disappearing completely.

"Mount Olympus!" Carl hissed.

The mans face turned sour as his brows knotted together. He stood up straight and turned around, walking towards Carl.

"There is no cheating in this classroom!" He roared, raising the knife high in the air.

A loud crash resonated down the halls and reached the classroom, making everyone freeze. Everyone's head snapped towards the door as a low moan echoed in the hall. The mans arm fell limp at his side, the knife still in his grip.

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