Chapter 12

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I took a deep breath as I spoke again. "Alright, now. We're going to talk like adults and no fighting. Do you boys agree?" I asked as the boys stayed silent. After a few moment's, Cameron sighed. "Fine, let's talk like adults," he said, as Aaron nodded in agreement. I sighed as I spoke again. "Good. Now Cameron. What's the real reason you came to the human world?" I asked, knowing that it was on Aaron's mind as well. Cameron sighed as he spoke. "To protect you from the Sakamaki's. A very rich vampire family, that dissects devils like us. Their here to destroy us" he said, as I looked at him in confusion. I turned to glare at Aaron as he looked at me confused. "But Lindo said that they're not here for us. He said something about trying to stop our parents if they tried to attack again," he said, as I looked at Cameron. Cameron sighed as he spoke. "That's just a lie. Their here to help Karlheinz take over the human world," he explained. I looked at Aaron as I spoke again. "This doesn't make sense, both the Sakamaki's and the committee want to take over the human world? But devils and vampire's hate each other. Why would they want the same as our parents?" I asked. "I dunno. But they're going to kill all devils to do it," Cameron explained as I looked at him. "Are you sure you're giving us the truth? I don't think I believe you right now," I said, as Cameron sighed. "Ella, it's alright. I wouldn't lie to you, would I?" he asked as I looked at him more seriously. "I barely know you. We just met so I don't quite trust you," I said, as Aaron studied Cameron with worry. "Ella. Let me go," he said, as I turned to him. "Why? You both are going to start fighting again," I said, as Aaron looked at me. "Ella, let me go. Now," he said, as I looked at him. "Why, what's the big deal?" I asked as the sound of the ice cracking came from Cameron. I looked at him as I notice the ice becoming purple. The ice was cracking, then all of a sudden it broke from whatever Cameron did. I backed up in fear as I started to unfreeze Aaron, but a gust of the sleepy air shot in the ice's direction. I backed up from Cameron as he started to come closer. "Oh, Ella. Did you forget that the older sibling is stronger than the younger?" he asked, as I started to back up. "ELLA, RUN!" Aaron shouted.

I quickly looked at Aaron, still seeing him struggle from the ice. I looked at Cameron as I backed right into a wall. I lifted my hand to unfreeze Aaron, but Cameron grabbed my wrist. He held my hand into a ball as I struggled from it. "Let me go," I said, as Cameron sighed. "Oh, Ella. Now I see why dad said you're the rebellious one," he said, as I continued to pull from him. "Let me go," I said as I pulled from him, but once again, nothing. Cameron pushed me on the ground as he pinned my hands down. I struggled from him, still feeling my hands cool down, but it wasn't affecting him. "ELLA!" Aaron yelled as Cameron got next to me. I went to freeze him, but once again he stopped it. He put both my hands together as he held them with his left. "Ella. Nothing's going to happen to any of us. You just need to calm down a bit," he said, as he covered my eyes again. The cooling mist gently brushed against my eyes as I started to calm down a bit. I felt my eyelids become heavy as tiredness brush over me. I flinched, but the way he had his arm made it unable to escape. "Shh, calm down. You're just too stressed from everything," he said, as I felt my body settle down a bit. I yawned in tiredness as I felt myself lying my head in Cameron's lap. His hand gently started to brush my head, as I started to close my eyes. They were almost closed as a car was pulled up behind us and a door opened.

The mist stopped as Cameron spoke. "Dad," he said, as he lifted his hand from my eyes. I looked in the direction to see dad standing there, with Roen right next to him. Dad was tapping his foot with anger as he darted at us. "What are you doing?" dad asked as Cameron sighed. "Nothing. Just having a peaceful afternoon with my sister, when this angel got in the way," he said, as he pointed at Aaron. I quickly got out of Cameron's arm, as I ran over to unfreeze Aaron. Dad stood in between us and Cameron, as he looked at Cameron. "You were going to put your sister asleep?" Dad asked as Cameron sighed. "She said she was stressing a lot at school. I thought I would be helpful, but then Aaron ruined it," he said, darting glares at Aaron. Aaron looked at him as he spoke. "You were going to kidnap Ella. What type of brother does that?" he asked, the anger raging through him. Dad sighed as he spoke. "Aaron, you'll be lucky if your dad doesn't hear about this. But you should see him sometime," he said, as Aaron narrowed his eyes. "I don't wanna see him. I'm starting to have the same feeling that Ella's been having," he said, as dad sighed. "Of course," he said, as he turned to us more. "You both think we came back just to destroy the human world and control you both?" he asked as I nodded. "You did that the last time you were here. It's obvious that we'll have that feeling," I said, my hands starting to get cold. Dad turned to me as he spoke. "Ella, calm down. And don't give me that tone," he said, bringing up the anger within him. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why? So you can knock us out and lock us up? Allowing you and the rest of the committee here to take over the human world?" I asked as a sigh came from behind us.

"You're still fighting, aren't you Ella?" Mage's voice spoke, as I turned around. Both Urie and Mage were standing behind dad. Mage had his arms crossed and Urie was resting his rose against his face, both of then ready for a fight. "Now Ella," dad said as I turned to look at him. "We're not here like you think," he said, as Aaron spread his wings open, showing his blue wings. Laughter came from behind again. "Oh look. You turned out like your mom," Urie said, referring to the color change in Aaron's wings. Aaron got in behind me, facing both Urie and Mage. "Well, my mom didn't try to harm people," he said, as Urie sighed. "That's true, she didn't. But what would your dad say when he sees that you turned out just like her?" he asked, as Aaron fisted his hands, ready for a fight. "Ella, I changed my mind. I want you home with us," Dad said as I chuckled. "Like I would trust you enough to go," I said, my hands feeling colder than ever. "Now that you also brought him along, I think I'll stay with the Tachibana's," I said, as Dad huffed. "That was not a choice Ella. You're coming home," he said, as I felt my hands becoming cold. "No," I said, as Dad sighed. "Cameron. Put Ella asleep for me," he said, as Cameron nodded. "I've been waiting to do it for a while," he said, as he threw a gust of purple air in my direction. I threw ice at it, freezing it completely in mid-air and letting it drop to the ground. I heard Aaron lift up in the air, as he took on both Urie and Mage. Dad lifted up his hands as he started to create a ball of fire, but I threw ice at his hands and started to make it grow up to his arms.

A gust of that purple air shot in my direction as I held my breath. The gust pushed me away from the fight, as I hit a wall behind me. Fire shot across the grass, forming a complete circle around me like before, which meant dad melted the ice around his hands. I saw Aaron fly up into the air, but a lightning bolt hit him and he plummeted to the ground. "AARON!" I yelled as a hole in the fire opened up and Cameron walked through. He walked up to me completely, with a huge grin on his face. "Well, Ella. I think you need to take a nap," he said, creating a purple gust of air in his hand. "NO!" I yelled as I shot an ice chunk at him, but it appeared smaller than it usually is. I felt my body becoming warmer as I started to walk closer to the fire. Cameron chuckled as he spoke. "Oh Ella, did you forget that our parents are stronger?" he asked as I looked at him. "Be quiet," I said, as I started to form ice again, but my arms were too warm to even become cold. "And did you forget that you're the one with ice? Fire melts ice. So that being said, you're weaker in the heat" he said, as I tried to form ice, but it didn't work. I looked up in confusion as I looked at him. "But isn't the older one who gets the power opposite of our parents?" I asked as Cameron sighed. "That only works for vampires. Us devils are different. It's usually the girls that get the opposite of their dad's. I have the opposite of mom," he said, as I looked at him in confusion. "So, mom had the power to keep people awake?" I asked as Cameron shot another gust at me. I tried to freeze it, but it knocked me back on my feet and I yawned. "Mom did have the power to keep people awake. But she didn't like having that power. She thought it was torture to human's," he explained.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I spoke. "So mom was helping people? She turned out like I am?" I asked as I yawned. Cameron knelt on the ground as he started to rub my head. "Exactly. Mom tried to help people, but she failed," he said, as he tilted his head. "Your exhausted, you should take a little nap." I jolted up as I spoke. "No," I said, as Cameron pushed me back down. He went to cover my eyes but I shot an ice chunk at him, freezing his hand's quicky for an escape. I got up but I felt the tiredness still in me, so I fell back over. I felt my body going into a sleep mode, unable to move enough to fight. Footsteps came closer as Cameron got down next to me. He stuck his face in my view. "Your very interesting to watch, little girl," he said, with a creepy tone to his voice. I studied him in anger as I spoke. "You and dad are going to, " I said, but I took a big yawn. "You're not going to get," I said, as I felt the tiredness grow within me quickly. Cameron sighed as he lied completely down next to me. "Get away with this? We kinda are. But you need a good nights rest before the real fighting comes along," he explained as I went to get up, but I was too tired to do it.  Cameron finished walking up to me as he knelt down next to me. "Listen, Ella. Us Devils are not good guys, and we'll never be," he said, as he put his hand around my eyes again. A lavender scent filled my nose, relaxing me to the point where my body went into a deep sleep mode. I went to move but I couldn't. I couldn't even talk at this point. "Just get some sleep, Ella. And you'll wake up feeling a whole lot better," he said, as I closed my eyes, going into a deep night sleep. 

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