Chapter 21

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I managed to find the bathroom down the hallway to the left. It was a small, full bath with working water. I found a closet behind the door that had different towels in it. I took a couple of things out of the closet before I shut the door and walked over to the other side of the room. I took the bathmat off the side of the tub and placed it on the floor. I pulled back the curtain as the door opened. "Here are some fresh clothes for after," Cameron said, chucking a shirt and a pair of sweatpants on the counter. I turned to him as I studied it. "Thank you... How did you get those?" I asked confused about where he found it. Cameron looked at me confused. "Dad has bedrooms prepared. I'll show you yours after," he said, as he started to walk out. "Thank you for the clothes," I said, as he waved and walked out, shutting the door behind him. I rolled my eyes. "Trouble," I said, as I started to get into the shower. I didn't take a long time, to see how Cameron was around. I didn't fully trust him yet, seeing how he practically kidnapped me. I thought long and hard about what was going on. What was the discipline committee up to? What was dad's plan with Cameron and me? My mind kept me thinking with questions. I stood there just thinking of the possibilities. I thought of this little room that dad was keeping us in and how he locked us both in without our abilities. I felt slightly colder than I did when I was by the fire. I looked up at the water that poured out of the faucet in thought. I lifted my hand as I tried to freeze it, but I was still too warm to do it. I huffed as I just took the shower and got out before Cameron tried something.

I got dressed in the clothes that my brother brought in for me. A light purple tee shirt and a dark pair of sweatpants. I rummaged through the drawers of the sink until I found a brush to comb my hair. I brushed my hair as I thought to myself. I thought about this little apartment that dad prepared, wondering where it actually was located. I put down my brush as I went through the vanities draws and found a little hair tie. I pulled my hair back as I studied myself in the mirror before I opened the door and exited the bathroom. I huffed as I walked out of the bathroom and started down the hallway, looking for a laundry basket. I found one outside the hallway with my brother's clothes already in it. I studied it as I huffed. "Ok, so is mine," I said, as I thought to myself. "There's only one. I'll do the laundry later," Cameron's voice said, making me jump. I slammed my back against the wall as I looked at him. "Man, your silent," I said, in shock. Cameron huffed as he leaned up against the wall. "It's right there," he said, pointing to a cloth hamper at the end of the hall. "Thank you," I said, as I walked down and chucked my clothes in it. I turned around as I studied my brother, who just stared at me. "What?" I asked, hoping that we didn't get into a fight. Cameron shrugged. "I can't be around you? This is probably why dad locked us in here," he said, as I huffed. I turned to him. "Alright, I'm sorry for giving you a hard time. It's a little stressful, seeing how you attacked me earlier," I explained as Cameron grew shocked. "Wow. The brat actually apologized," he said, as I gave him a stern look. "What?" he asked, and I just rolled my eyes.

I turned the other way and walked down the hallway. "Your room's on the right," he said, as I gave him a thumbs up. I walked to the end of the hallway and opened the closed door on the right. I walked into the bedroom seeing tan walls, with pink decorations all over the room. A bed was in the far right corner of the room, with what looked like a small hideout underneath it. A desk was next to the door, full of school supplies both on it and in it. Next to the bed was a little nightstand with a table lamp on it. Next to that was a built-in bookshelf, full of books. Finally, a full closet was on the same wall as the door, full of different types of outfits. I rummaged through the closet to look at the different ones. Footsteps came from down the hall. "Dad didn't know what you like to wear. So, he just bought a whole bunch of stuff," he said, as I shut the door and huffed. "At least he's still taking care of us," I said, as I glanced around the room again. "It's a nice little apartment. Not anything I would want," Camron said, as I turned to him. "It's a prison cell. Dad wouldn't lock us in an apartment," I said, as I walked out of the room and back down the hall.

I entered the living room and looked around. I noticed a little square hole near the door of the place. "What's this?" I asked as I walked over to it. I knelt down to study it. "That's for Roen. He's the only one that can come in here," he explained as I peeked in it. It was pitch dark, so I couldn't see where it went to. I sighed as I sat up, then stood. "Told you there's no way out," he said, as I turned to him. "Oh, there's always a way out," I said, as I walked back to the door. "There must be a way to cool it somehow," I said, as Cameron huffed. "Now, your back to that," Cameron complained as he flopped back on the couch. "Have fun wasting your time," he said, as I tapped my chin in thought. "I wonder," I said, as I walked into the kitchen. I went to the fridge as I looked at it, seeing a plain old fridge. "Which one's the freezer?" I yelled into the living room. "The freezer is the big draw on the bottom," he yelled from the living room. I opened the bottom drawer and I looked around. It was full of frozen meat and different things.

I shifted some things as the cold started to cool down my skin. I moved the meat as I found an ice cube tray containing twelve ice cubes. I lit up in excitement. "I wonder," I said, as I grabbed the tray, shut the freezer, and walked back up to the door. Cameron looked over from where he lay. He gave me a look. "What in the world are you doing?" he asked, as I broke out an ice cube and started to rub it in my hands. "Maybe, if I rub the ice in my hands. I could possibly cool down the door," I said, as I took another ice cube. Cameron watched me as he lay back on the couch. "You're going to burn yourself," he said, with a huff. I looked at him. "At least I can still get cold," I said, as I felt my hands go numb. I grabbed the handle, as I tried to get the door unlocked. The handle sizzled for a moment but ended up just warming me back up. "That didn't work," I said, more to myself. Cameron looked over. "Told you," he said, as I glanced back at him. He just lay on the couch as he watched me. I looked at the door as I snapped my fingers. "I got it," I said, as I ran into the kitchen. "You're just wasting your time," Cameron said, as I rummaged through the draws to find a plastic baggie. I grabbed it as I ran back to the door and filled it with ice.

"What in the world are you doing?" he asked, as I put the bag of ice around the handle. "This might work," I said, as I rubbed the ice bag around the handle. "Ella, you're going to start a fire or put a chemical into the air," he said, as I looked at him. "We're immortal. It won't harm us," I said, as I massaged the handle. I placed my hand on my cheek to feel that it was cold, then rubbed the ice bag again. "Your almost as crazy as dad," he said, as I squeezed the bag, feeling ice forming at the bottom of my hands. The ice started to mold into one and stick to the handle as one big cube. "What the" Cameron said, as I glanced at him. I turned back to the door as I pulled the bag down, feeling the handle move within it. A rattling came from the other side of the door, then a thump.

I took the bag of ice off and grabbed the handle. I stood up as I gripped the handle and turned it, watching the door open. I turned to Cameron, who looked at me in surprise. "Wanna say something bad about my ice now?" I asked as he studied me. "Ok, so you're able to use your ability. But before we go what about this?" he asked, as he lifted up his wrist, showing me his gloves. I looked down at my ice bag and held it out to him. "What are you doing?" he asked, as I shifted the bag. "Put a hand in," I said, as he jolted. "Are you crazy?" he asked, as I huffed. "Do you want the gloves off or not?" I snapped. Cameron huffed as he got up off the couch. I worked on the ice as he stuck a hand in. Ice froze over the entire glove. I put the bag down as I pulled the lock, breaking it off completely. "There," I said, as he undid the clasp and pulled his hand out. He lifted up his hand as a purple cloud formed around it, allowing him to regain his power. "Wow, how'd you?" he asked, as I stuck the bag to him. "Now the other," I said, as he stuck his other hand in. I did the same thing, freeing him of his gloves. "Thanks," he said, as I zipped up the bag and turned to look down the hallway. "Now, let's go find Aaron and get out of here," I said, as I started to walk through the door, and into a lit hallway.

I looked around the hallway as I looked to the left, then the right. I faced the left again as I started to walk down it. "How do you know where to go?" he asked, as I turned to him. "I dunno. Just gotta figure it out," I said, as I tucked the bag of ice under my arm. I turned and started down the hallway again. "Ella," Cameron said, as I turned around. "Are you coming or what? If you wanna stay here, go right ahead," I asked him as he sighed. "Comming," he said, as he started to walk, and walked right next to me. "We're gonna get caught," Cameron said, in a low tone. I turned to him and smiled. "Awe, a tough guy is afraid of his daddy," I teased. Cameron sent daggers my way. "Well yeah. Tough guy's daddy can set things on fire," he said, as I turned to him. "Says the dude with the ability to put people to sleep," I reminded him. He chuckled. "Says the dork holding a bag of ice," he said, as I huffed. "I need to cool myself down so I can use my ability," I reminded him. He huffed. "Alright, you win. Let's just find a way out of here before dad catches us," he said, as we started down the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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