Chapter 7

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I walked into the shack seeing two little rooms that reminded me of a kitchen and a living room. They were conjoined rooms with mattresses and a couch in the first one and a sink, stove and fridge in the next. It looked like it had more, due to the wall continuing, blocking the view from the doorway. I walked into the shack more as I looked around in surprise. "This is just like a house. You guys been staying here long?" I asked as the boys walked towards a door in the kitchen. "No. But it's the only place that dad found for us. It's cozy, isn't it?" Eden asked as I turned to her. She held her hands behind her as she cracked a friendly smile. I smiled back to feel comfort from her bubbly personality. A door opened as Colt spoke. "You still wanna see your devil friend?" he asked in an upsetting tone. He sounded like he was aggravated and just wanted me to be out. Roen looked out the window at the porch as he spoke. "Yeah, we should, just in case someone comes," he said, as the boys opened up a door, which revealed a staircase. "Come on, we're keeping him down here," Tim said, as he started to walk down the stairs. I walked up slowly towards the staircase as I looked down, seeing it on the dark side. "Are you coming or what?" he snapped as I sighed. "Oh, sorry," I said, as I started to follow down the stairs, with Eden right behind me. I took my steps carefully as I tried to keep up. I sighed as I felt fear starting to grow within me. Did Roen's boys have a plan of some sort without him knowing? I followed as I looked up, seeing the boys walking a bit faster as they descended down the stairs. Colt looked back at me, as he cracked what looks like to be an evil grin before looking back forward. "Boys, be nice" Roen reminded as I sighed. Yep, these boys had something planned. But what?

We walked into a hallway that branched out into two tunnels, one with a light above it and one that didn't. Both hallways gave an eerie feeling, one that reminded me of being kidnapped by my dad. I put my hands to the side of me as I started to feel ice form around them. "This way. And calm down, I don't want to freeze. It's cold enough down here, to begin with," Colt said, as he started to walk down the lit up hallway. I followed behind, as to keep up with the boys. I took a peek behind me as to look at Eden. She sighed as she kept quiet, with Roen right behind her, doing the same. I heard unlocking of a door as Colt stepped aside. Tim walked in as he turned on some lights and looked around. He turned back as he spoke. "Ok, come in," he said as he walked into the room. I followed calmly behind him as I saw a dark room with a couple of dim lights above everything. At the corner of the room lied a bed, with a boy sleeping in it. I looked at him in shock as I spoke. "Max," I said with a gasp, studying the old allie as he lied there in his bed. His light brown hair was a tad bit longer than when last time I saw him. He wore sweat pants with a black shirt that buttoned up. His eyes were closed due to being asleep. I looked at him as I walked up, not able to take my eyes off him.

"Don't go near him. We don't think he's the same person that you recognize" Tim said, as shifting entered the bed. "Didn't I tell you mutts to keep your voices down?" Max growled as he opened his eyes. Tim growled back as he spoke. "How dare you speak to us like that, especially around our dad," he said, as Max opened his eyes. He swung a glare at Tim as he started to get up. "You're lucky I'm not near a body of water. You'd be dead in a sec" he said, as he looked at me in shock. I sighed as to noticed it was the same friend that hung out with Aaron, but something seemed off about him. Max cracked a smile as he spoke. "You're still in the human world?" he asked, as he walked up to me. He also seemed taller than last time, but that's probably because we were younger when he was here last. "Yeah. I can't believe your ok" I said, as Max just stared at me. I studied him in silence as I felt a strange feeling that came over me. Was this the same kid that fought alongside Aaron and me? I studied him as I started to feel a bit scared. Maybe he was different. Max smiled as he put up his hand and rested it on my head as he started to rub it. "You're more grown up than I remember," he said, as I looked at him in confusion. Max looked at Roen and his kids as he spoke. "May I have some alone time with Ella?" he asked, as Tim growled. "Why do you need" he started as Roen put a hand on his son. "It's ok Tim. Their good friends. I don't think that Max would hurt her, knowing her boyfriend" he said, as Max looked at Roen in confusion. "Thanks, Roen," Max said, as Roen nodded, then followed his kids out and shut the door behind him.

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