Chapter 11

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I awoke with a moan as I cracked my eyes open like I just had a great night sleep. I saw the bright blue sky, with clouds drifting across the sky and trees blocking a bit of it. The sun kept the air warm, with a cool breeze coming from the left. I felt my body move with the wind as the sound of ropes keeping hold, swaying silently in the air. I opened my eyes in thought as I jolted awake and sat up. I looked forward, not seeing Cameron anywhere. I heard something in the water, which made me turn my head towards the sound. Cameron was crouched by the water, washing his hands. He wiped his hands dry as he looked around at the view. I heard him sigh as he stood, taking a stretch like he was sleeping himself. He shifted to the right as he turned completely to look at me. "Oh, you're awake? Great" he said, as he started to walk up to me. I quickly moved away to the side of the hammock as he sat down next to me. He watched me with a funny look on his face, then sighed. "You need to calm down Ella. I'm not going to hurt you" he said as he looked at the water. I felt my hands become cold as I reached for the hammock. "You sure about that? I don't think I should trust you right now. Seeing how you came with dad, never mind putting me asleep" I said, as Cameron sighed. He lifted his head towards the sky as he spoke. "This is exactly why I put you asleep. Dad said you've been stressing a lot about everything. We care about you Ella, we just don't wanna see you like this" he said, as I sighed. "But putting me asleep won't do anything about it," I said, almost yelling at him. Cameron studied me with a concerned look as he sighed. "Ella, dad just wants us all to be together. He's not here for what you think" he explained, as he looked out at the area. I looked out seeing a little lake that wasn't that big to swim in. Fish jumped in and out of the lake, splashing the water all over the place. I sighed as I started to calm down from everything. "Where are we?" I asked calmly, studied the area, not knowing where we were. Cameron shrugged as he spoke. "I don't know. Somewhere in the woods. I thought this would be relaxing for you" he said, as I looked at him.

I studied him in silence, as I started to shift away from him. Cameron turned his head as he spoke. "Your acting weird Ella. What's wrong?" he asked as I got up and fisted my hands. Instantly, my hands became colder, ready to turn him into ice. "Ok, what's up with everything?" I asked as Cameron looked at me a bit. "What are you talking about? Dad said we should catch up" he said, as I felt the coldness run up my arms. "I know he wants us to catch up. He must want me out of the way and you're here to help him," I said, as Cameron looked at me funny. "Ella, what are you talking about?" he asked as I sighed. I studied him in silence as he stared at me with confusion. I noticed what he was doing and I'm taking it the wrong way. "You might not know then," I said, as Cameron looked at me. "Ella, I'm so confused. What's up with you and dad? It's like you hate each other" he said, as I sighed. "Maybe I should tell you. I've been having trouble with dad last time he was here. It was like he was trying to take over the human world and I was getting in the way. He kept doing things to keep me in one place. The rest of the committee worked with him. Well, Roen tried to help us stop them. He's on our side" I said, as Cameron sighed.

"So, what your telling me is that every time dad was here, he tried to mess with the human world?" he asked, trying to clear up a picture for himself. I nodded as I sighed. "Yeah. He was helping grampy with it. I rebelled against him, which made it worse. Last time we left on good terms, but ever since he came back, I've been having that feeling. Like he's going to try something again." I looked down as I explained like I was afraid of what my brother was going to think about it. Cameron studied me as he listened with a curious mind, then he shifted over and pressed his back against the side of the hammock. "Come sit with me. Let's talk about it" he said, in a calming voice. I crossed my arms as I spoke. "You promise to not do anything to me?" I asked as Cameron sighed. "I won't do anything. Trust me" he said, as I studied him. I looked at the hammock next to him as I sighed. "Fine. But I'll freeze you if you try to put me asleep again" I said, as I walked over to the hammock. He shifted over, as I sat down. I kept my arms crossed, making sure they were cold enough to freeze him if need be. Cameron sighed as he got comfortable again. "Ok, now what happened?" he asked as I looked at him. I huffed as I started to speak. I told him everything, right down to the very last detail. I told him about Aaron and Max and how they shift sides against our parents. Finally, I told him about what's been happening recently and the feelings that I've been having. Cameron studied me as he listened to everything I had to say. "I see. So Aaron and Max are now against our parents too," he said as he looked at the water. "And do you know where Max is now?" he asked, as I sighed. "I do. But I promised to keep it a secret. He told me to," I said, as Cameron sighed. "There's more than I thought," he said, as I looked at him. "What are you talking about?" I asked as Cameron looked at me. "Devil children. There's us, Aaron, Roen's kids and Max is somewhere in this world too. Makes me wonder why they'd all bring us to the same place" he said, as I studied him.

I shook my head as I sighed. "Maybe they want us all together, to help take it over," I said, as I held my arms, thinking of Roen's sons. "I met Roen's kids. Those boys are scary" I said, remembering where Colt had his claws. I shivered as I felt a tear drip down my cheek. "What if we all turn out like dad? What if the human world falls?" I asked, more to myself than him. Cameron turned to me as he listened. He huffed as he spoke. "It won't fall to dad. Just keep calm and let's take it day by day." I felt tear's roll down my cheek as I spoke aloud. "I don't think I can handle this again. I'm gonna go crazy over this" I said as Cameron sighed. He got up and walked around the hammock as he spoke. "I don't think it'll be good to stress over this, Ella," he said, as he walked behind me. He stopped the hammock from rocking back and forth as he knelt behind me on it. He put a hand on my eyes again as I felt another cooling, lavender scented mist. "It's ok Ella. Just relax" he said, as wings fluttered in the back of us. I couldn't pay attention due to feeling too tired. But the voice that followed didn't surprise me. "What do you think you're doing?" Aaron's voice spoke from behind us. I jolted my head to look back, seeing him with his wings fully out. The blue was bright, as the sunlight shimmered but stopped against the black. Aaron's arms were crossed and anger filled his eyes. Cameron turned around as he spoke. "Look who's still in the human world. Seeing your wings, you did turn out like your mom" he said, as Aaron looked at him. "What's your plan with Ella? I thought you were supposed to bring her home after school got out" he explained as Cameron sighed. "Correction. My dad told me to take her somewhere until school got out. He didn't say how long," he said, as Aaron looked at him.

"Why are you even here, Cameron?" Aaron asked, a mean tone to his voice. Cameron smiled as he spoke. "What? If you had a sibling in another world, wouldn't you want to see them too?" he asked, as Aaron squinted. "I don't really trust you right now. You came to help them take over the human world, didn't you?" he asked, as Cameron sighed. "You're just like Ella now. Petrified of our parents. Their not here to do anything, except see you, Ella and Max. Why would you think I'll do anything dangerous?" he asked as if he was teasing Aaron. Aaron squinted his eyes as he studied Cameron. "Stop playing around. You took her to distract her. Or are you trying to get more allies for the committee, so they can take over the human world?" he asked, trying to make the questions more tricky. Cameron smiled as he got in front of me like he was trying to protect me. "All I want is to be reunited with Ella. I thought she died and I came to make sure she's ok" he explained. Aaron sighed as he spoke. "Get away from Ella. I'm taking her home" Aaron demanded as Cameron chuckled. "As you insist," he said, as he threw what looked like a mist of light grey in Aaron's direction. Aaron blocked the mist with his wings until it passed completely. Aaron opened his wings up as he spoke. "How funny? Did you forget that I had these?" he asked, as Cameron sighed. "Ah yes, I forgot. Your Shiki's son. Attitude's just like him too" he said, as Aaron narrowed his eyes at him. "Don't talk like that to me," Aaron said, as he brushed another gust of wind at him.

I looked down as I blocked my face, trying to keep the dirt and wind out of my eyes. I opened my eyes to see the boys away from me, still fighting. Aaron extended his wings, as needle-like feathers, the color of a bright blue sky, shot quickly at Cameron. Cameron shielded his face, as he felt them scrape the sides of him. I watched as one stabbed him in the leg, which made me jump in my seat. I covered my mouth in shock as Cameron stood up completely. "Oh, nice. You still use the tricks your dad taught you? No tricks of your own?" he asked, as Aaron narrowed his eyes. "Don't mention my dad," Aaron said, as he started to flap his wings, gushing more air at Cameron. Cameron stood in his stance, as he shot another mist, this time it looked a darker grey. Aaron blocked it, but the mist was too fast and knocked him out of the air. Aaron landed on the ground with a thud, landing straight on his stomach. Weakly, Aaron got up and looked at Cameron. "How dare you? I won't let you take Ella" Aaron threatened as he struggled to get up. Cameron laughed as he spoke. "So let's stop fighting and I'll just have an afternoon with Ella," he said, as Aaron fisted his hands. I knew it was going to get even worse, so I did the only thing I could do.

I threw an ice chunk at Cameron's feet, freezing them to the ground. Quickly, I made the ice grow around his arms, up to his shoulder. Aaron landed on the ground as he walked up to Cameron. "Looks like I win," he said as I chucked ice on his wrists, then growing them to stay solid on the ground. I sighed as I sat back down then spoke. "No fighting, please. Now, do you both agree that we can talk like grown-ups and try to figure this out?" I asked as I looked at both of them. Both of the boys looked at each other as we sat in silence. I stayed silent, knowing we we were going to be here for a while.

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