Chapter 1

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Laughter echoed in her ears, forcing its way through her vivid imagination.

They were all laughing at her. The stockholders, her brother and his wife, and most importantly the media. Veronica sat in front of her computer, her eyes scanning the page, freshly painted nails clicking against the desktop. She pressed the website's refresh button ten more times before letting her head fall unto her desk. What was she going to do?

The offensive article loomed above her, a menacing banner of her failure. She had failed to keep the company safe and everything was now going up in flames.

"Drug Cartel." That was what her company had been reduced to. Of course it was an exaggeration but that didn't make things any better. What mattered was what people believed.

Other disgusting headlines whirled through her mind, filling her with contempt. "Sydius Entertainment: No Addicting Music But Plenty Addicting Drugs." "Celebrities or Druggies?" "House of Criminals."

It didn't help that their society was more conservative than others. A drug scandal in other places was considered a misconduct, but here it was a death sentence.

Veronica was so lost in thought that she didn't notice a knock on the door. An employee stepped into the office and bent down to whisper something in her ear.

Veronica lifted her head off the desk. "Are you sure?"

The employee nodded.

Veronica reached for the telephone and dialed a number, calling the head lawyer. What she had just heard must not be true.

A voice filtered in from the other end.


"I'm pressing all charges."


"Find her by midday. If you don't, you're fired."

Before he could reply, Veronica slammed the phone down on its holder. She felt the blood rise to her head. Nothing was going as planned. She could do with some chamomile tea.

Veronica slumped into her chair and began to call for her secretary when she realized she did not have a secretary anymore. Clarissa had sold company information in exchange for money. It was the greatest betrayal she had encountered since she had first entered the company. Even worse than when a trusted employee had painted her office an ugly green.

Veronica's office was modern and simple with a sturdy black desk and four stuffed chairs for visitors. A file cabinet that was kept under lock at all times was hidden at the farthest end of the room next to a closet where Veronica kept an assortment of clothes, shoes, and toiletries.

She added notes to the speech she would give at the board meeting and checked the clock. It was almost time for the emergency meeting and the board members didn't like to be left waiting. She didn't want to make them any more angry than they originally were.

Veronica turned to her mirror and removed her makeup. Gone was the sexy eye-liner that emblazoned her brown eyes and her bright red lipstick. She hesitated before removing her false lashes and undoing the intricate braids of her dark hair.

It was time to look remorseful.

Veronica studied herself in the mirror but decided that the lack of makeup made her look too shabby. She donned a pair of tiny earrings, new designer heels and clipped a silver watch to her wrist.


She took a deep breath before opening the door to the meeting room.

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