Chapter 16: Hurt

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          All the yelling, arguing, and noise drained from the room. No movement, not a peep. My face was frozen with my neutral facial expression, but it slowly transformed into my crying face. My eyes turned slightly blue mixed with my natural grey and my tanned face melted into a bright red color that also covered my neck and ears. My body slightly thrusted from each of the tears that soon were coming. I covered my mouth still in shock from the low comeback Scar used again me. The tears and whining came slowly then elevated to full on sobbing as I looked at Scar and slowly backed away. I glanced at Megan and Kayla and they were in shock also, breathing a little heavier than normal, knowing things between us would never, ever, be the same. 

          I breathed heavier and heavier, with tears still flushing out of my eyes and ran to the studio door. It had been cracked open by someone ease dropping our rehearsal. I didn't care who it was and  I pushed the door open even more. The person stepped back. I stopped running and paused for a split second only to look up and realize it was Jacob. To this day, I felt like that moment lasted forever. Though it was a second, I took in everything that happened.

         I remember seeing Jacob's face red just as mines was, but his was out of anger and betrayal. He has his own reason for feeling the way he felt. His girlfriend was a low key bitch all along that bullied people behind his back. But most importantly, the girl he used to be head over heels for, shot a bullet of betrayal into the heart of his sister, that was now a permanent wound that didn't have a cure.

        The crying and whining just got worse as I continued running from the dance studio past the office that Layla was working in. I remember hearing Jacob yelling in a voice that I've never heard before; a voice I never thought would ever come out of his mouth. He strictly, but somehow softly, said "Get out." Scar turned around in the studio, caught in the act, and saw the furious Jacob, no one had ever seen before. Her face and body went into panic mode. Her double personality had finally been revealed to everyone. It was just like a balloon. All the BS she had built up mixed with the bitchy side of her had been but into this balloon that had now popped and exploded. Jacob firmly and now violently said "GET OUT SCARLETT!" She grabbed her things and scurred out the door.

        Layla didn't know what the heck was going on and saw Scarlett running out of the house just a few seconds after seeing me run past the office. She ran after me saying "Chanel! Chanel!" I didn't mean to run away from her, but I just needed to have my space for the moment. I made it to my room and climbed into my bed, under all the sheets, and wrapped myself from the rest of the world. I could only weep more and more remembering all the lonely days, sleepless nights, and the moments I'd be with my mom.  She was my shield, best friend, warrior, savor, and the only person that constantly reminded me who Chanel Perez really is.

         I sketched her face in my mind and tried my hardest to block out any other sound, but her voice singing 'A La Nanita Nana' lulluby song to me as a little girl when I'd go to sleep. I imagined her singing it to me as I lay in my little bed and looking up at her...'a la nanita nana nanita ella nanita ella. Mi nina tiene sueno bendito sea, bendito sea.  a la nanita nana nanita ella nanita ella. Mi nina tiene sueno bendito sea, bendito sea. fuentecita que corre, clara y sonora. Ruisenora que en la selva cantando llora. Calla mientras la cuna, se balansea...'  The sweet sound of her voice gave me chills...Layla ran into my room and saw me wrapped in my blankets and sheets.

Layla: Chanel..Chanel are you ok?

          I began crying again. Just the thought of everything that happened just minutes ago was heartbeaking. I thought I actually had a friend. I turned around to face Layla and unwrapped myself from the sheets, still sobbing and my body slightly throbbing, and got up and quickly ran into her arms for a big hug. I continued to break down in the crook of her neck, letting go of everything. She gently rubbed my back and calmly told me to let it all out.

          I could feel my eyes turning red just like my face, neck, and ears and my bood getting hot all again. I let go from the hug and went back on my bed and balled up pouring out all the emotions that build up about my mom over the years and the fact, I never had a real friend. Then Jacob walked in. He climbed in my bed with me and wrapped his arms around me.

          He stayed there with me for another 1 hour or so and let me be alone in my room while he exsplained what happened to Layla, after all he was ease dropping the entire time. A little bit later Layla came in my room with some food and we just talked it all out for 3 hours straight. The entire time my eyes were puffy from crying and my face was still a little red. At around 8, Layla left me alone for some more alone time. For the rest of the night, I locked my bedroom door and either cried some more, sang songs she did, or lay down and just think. Kayla and Megan blew up my phone but I didn't feel like talking to anybody right now. I needed my space...


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