the happiest place on earth- steve rogers (part 1)

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After that you were pretty worn out, so you fell asleep for the rest of the ride, leaning your head against the cold glass of the window.


Instead of using a private jet, Tony decided to purchase an entire flight. Why he decided to do this, you had no clue but honestly, you didn't care. Steve had to practically drag you out of the van because you were so sleepy and only after he bribed you into getting out with a cinnamon roll and a steaming hot cup of coffee did you finally give in.

"Screw security lines," Bucky groaned. "I'm going to set the metal detector off."

Peter leaned in and whispered, "We're the Avengers, man. I don't think you'll get arrested for that. We're too cool for metal detectors."

Thankfully and surprisingly, Bucky wasn't taken away after walking through the metal detector. You set your items on the security belt, placing your backpack and phone into one of the plastic bins before hoisting your suitcase onto it. Everything moved by relatively quickly as it was only almost three in the morning and there weren't too many people at the airport overall, so you were able to get to your gate in just thirty minutes.

Everyone figured out that they'd arrived really early, so Natasha, Wanda, Bruce, and Peter stayed behind while the rest of you went to the nearby cafe open early to get something to eat, Steve purchasing for you the cinnamon roll and the coffee he'd promised earlier.

You slumped into your seat when you came back, fatigue tugging at your eyes and the heavy feeling of sleep begging you to go down under with it. You took out your neck pillow and put it around your neck, laying your head on Steve's lap without thinking. As you dozed off, Natasha pulled out her phone and took a few pictures, smiling when she put it away again.

It seemed as if you could go on sleeping for twenty hours straight until someone shook you awake. You blinked and looked around, squinting your eyes at the person who had interrupted your beauty sleep.

"Steve. I was tired!" you protested in your groggy voice.

"We're boarding now," he reminded you, and you took your head off his lap, standing up to put your neck pillow away.

You groaned and wrapped your arms around his waist while you waited in line to board the plane (The Avengers altogether was a pretty big group and you were at the back of the line), not caring about the smirks you were recieving from Bucky, Sam, and Peter. Mainly Bucky and Sam.

Finally you got onto the plane, choosing to sit in the middle near the window seat. Like before, you immediately fell asleep on Steve and stayed like that for the entire three hour flight to Austin. This time, though, you instinctively grabbed his hand and held on tight. He shook his head and smiled down at you, patting your head softly.


By the time you touched down in Austin, everything else went by in a blur. You trudged along, still feeling extremely tired, and whenever you had the opportunity to sit down, you always took it.

Then, one McDonalds's and sixty-six minutes later, you were back at the gate, a new one, bound for LAX: Los Angeles International (sadly Tony didn't purchase the entire flight this time. Why?). Because of the snacks that you had along the way here, you were a little less tired and now your excitement was showing.

Natasha and Wanda begged you to sit with them on this leg of the flight, so you did. As soon as you buckled up, they started talking in rapid-fire, a mile a minute, so fast that you could barely catch what they were even saying.

"What?" you asked in confusion. "Speak proper English, please..."

"Flight over here? With Cap?" Natasha prompted, gesturing you to continue speaking. "It was..."

" romantic," Wanda breathed out, clutching a hand to her chest.

"Uh, Wanda..." you cocked your head in confusion. "I wouldn't call two insomniacs trying to get sleep on a flight to Yeehaw State romantic."

"You held hands and fell asleep on his lap."


"Date already, please," they both groaned.

"No. I'm not letting you tease me about it anymore."

"We won't stop teasing you until you admit that you like him!"



Finally, you arrived at your hotel. Somehow you ended up in a two-room, luxury suite that you had to share with Wanda, Natasha, Sam, Bucky, and Steve.

"Tony..." you growled, letting out a string of curse words under your breath as you typed out an angry text message to him. "I know this was your work."

"What? How am I supposed to get you two to bang and make mini Avenger babies if I don't place you in the same suite together? I mean, you guys need to get together and---"

You hissed into your phone and he stopped rambling. "Okay, okay, I was just kidding. But seriously. You need to date already!"

"Shut up or I'm going to have Strange teleport my katana over here," you snapped. "That was a warning for you, Stark."

"Fine. Remember that we're meeting tomorrow at 9:30 in the lobby by the front desk. Got it? And please try not to kill the Y/N and Cap ship. We've been working on it for far too long for you to take it down."

"Fine," and with that, you pressed End Call, flopping down onto your plushy bed and staring up at the ceiling, cheeks flushed bright red from embarrassment.

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें