Chapter 32

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"Good morning, Jessica," Cobra says while sitting in front of a large plate of scrambled eggs and toast. Jessica rubs her tired eyes and looks up at the flash-screen. "I hope you slept well. Your eggs and toast are on the way," he adds, lifting a glass of orange juice to sip. "My father used to always tell me about the importance of a good, hearty breakfast. And you know I tried my best to impart that wisdom to Shadow, but as you're well aware, he much prefers a quinoa fruit salad over a stack of pancakes." Cobra laughs.

Jessica remains silent as she glares at the screen, wishing she could jump through it and take that knife from the table and—but again, as difficult as it is, she realizes she must supress her anger and actually play this lunatic's game.

Seconds later, her breakfast arrives. "Thank you, Cobra," she says, looking at the plate of fluffy golden eggs and crispy toast.

"You eat up. We have a big day today—we're going into the village," Cobra informs her as his image slowly fades from the screen.

"Today's the final day of the carnival," Cobra tells Jessica as they ride in the back of an Iron Lotus electro-van. "Your associates did such a wonderful job, finishing the renovation of the community center. I thought it'd be nice for you to see the final results of your team's hard work."

"Thanks. That's very thoughtful of you," Jessica says, continuing to play along. He must be wondering why I haven't said anything about the book.

As the van approaches the community center, Jessica gazes through the tinted window in wonder. The formerly run-down structure is now an appealing building. "Wow," she exclaims, "it came out just as we hoped."

"Pull up toward the front of the building," Cobra orders Victor. "Look, read the sign," he urges Jessica. The sign on the building reads The Jessica Westgale Community Center.

"Oh my," Jessica says. "That is such an honor."
"I wouldn't have had it any other way," Cobra says calmly.
The man's even more insane than I thought, Jessica thinks.
As the van continues on along a stretch of sandy roads, Jessica

looks up at the sky in the distance. High up, being carried by a strong gust of wind, a remote-controlled, dragon-like kite soars across the Pinian skyline. When she looks downward toward the field, she sees a running man, trailed by a group of children. She can easily tell by his long strides that it's Trevor.

"Aw, the innocence of childhood," Cobra murmurs.

Jessica's eyes immediately grow teary when she notices one of the children running with a limp, having difficulty keeping up with the others. It's frail little Ulu. Jessica remembers how she injured herself only a few days before she returned to America. She then flashes back to the day she said goodbye to the sweet orphan who always found a way to brighten up even the darkest of days.


"I'm really going to miss you, Miss Jessica!" Ulu cried.
"Hey, I might be leaving Pinia, but you'll always be with me, Ulu. Right here," Jessica said, placing her hand over her heart. "Now, you make sure you battle like a trooper and take care of that

leg, okay?"
"Janet's been checking it every day," she answered, referring to one of Jessica's fellow aid workers who was also a paramedic.

"Great. Now that you have a flash-pad we can send each other all kinds of flash-messages and view-files."

"We can be friends forever," Ulu said with a smile as she fell into Jessica's arms.


When the van suddenly hits a bump in the road, it jolts Jessica back to the present. The kite has now ascended to a point where it appears to be one with the sun. Trevor and the children are standing back, watching in awe. Some of the children have decided to get a closer look with their Sky-Scopes.

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