Chapter 23

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When we enter the MAA headquarters, Westgale and I are immediately greeted by Gerald Levin's Director of Communications, Brandy Noble. "They're waiting for you in the conference room," Brandy says, leading us down a hall. The walls on both sides are lined with photos of military weapons from the past and present. Just prior to entering the conference room, I notice a War Within plaque containing the words Bring the Fire to the Torch.

The first person I see upon entering the room is Guardian Macdonald. The dark brown suit he's wearing is in severe contrast to his bright orange hair. "What the hell is this imbecile doing here?" Westgale whispers to me.

"Please be seated," Brandy says, directing us to our seats. Andy Pemberton nods at me, grinning stiffly as he whispers something to his Uncle Earl.

Gerald Levin enters the room. "Mr. President, Ms. Kratz, thank you for attending," he says, then gestures toward Macdonald. "And thank you, Guardian Macdonald." As usual, Macdonald has his head buried in his flash-pad. He slowly looks up.

"I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here right now," Gerald continues. "Well, the reason is simple, but yet extremely disturbing. Our Alliance has concluded we are fighting a losing battle. And I take no pride in fighting losing battles. Much to our dismay, the American people have spoken. They've decided to enable the obliteration of this incredible nation by once againsupporting the Peace Bringers of America. Therefore, under Section 3.3 of the New Order Treaty, the Militant Alliance of America has decided to forfeit its presidential candidacy." Gerald casts a sullen look first my way, then toward Macdonald, whose nose is once again buried in his flash-pad.

Andy Pemberton then submits a formal flash-message, making the MAA's forfeiture official. Macdonald studies the document. "All appears in order," he states. "Once the Commission's legal secretary reviews and seals the declaration, it'll be final."

"Way to go, Nicole!" Westgale says as he practically lifts me off the ground in a bear hug.

Gerald and Earl abruptly exit the room, while Andy remains, staring into space. "Congratulations, Nicole," he says with a sigh. "You've done it again."

"I'm sure we'll meet again, Andy," I reply as I pass him.

On our way back to the Freedom Home, the president and I are still bewildered. "Boy, I didn't see this coming," I say, gazing out the window of the grand-electro at the street passing by. I'll soon be in charge of all this, I say to myself, watching the people and the buildings.

"That's the crazy thing about Gerald Levin—the man is so unpredictable. Nonetheless, by doing what he did, he placed his country above all," Westgale says, looking down at his flash-pad. "Whoa... the Commission is planning to announce the news on UCIT this evening," he adds excitedly.

"I can't believe this," I reply, still shocked. "A few hours ago I almost backed out of the whole ordeal."

When we reach the Freedom Home, in a whirlwind, I begin contacting those closest to me to share the news. As expected, Mom and Dad are ecstatic. "We're so proud of you!" Mom exclaims.

"Just like you told us all those years ago, huh, Nicole?" Dad adds. "And as usual, our daughter ends up doing exactly what she told us she'd do."

When I contact Lowell and the girls, who are spending the day at the Brave Land Shopping Center, they too are overjoyed by the news. "You certainly deserve this, honey," Lowell says, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

"So, when do we get to move into the Freedom Home?" Tiffany asks eagerly.

"Whoa, whoa," I quickly answer. "Let's just take it one day at a time." I chuckle.

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