Chapter 27

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"Come on in," a lady named Eva Gould says to Agent Gallio. "I'm sorry it took me the time it did to meet with you, but the day after that event, I headed straight to Long Island to visit my husband in rehab."

"I understand he's the reason you attended the event," Gallio says as he enters the living room of the quaint home.

"Yes. I'll do whatever it takes to help my husband, and I think the Kratz Foundation is doing some wonderful things. I just hope and pray Jessica Westgale comes back safe and sound. I'm a great admirer," Eva says with a smile.

"I don't want to take up too much of your time, ma'am, but did you notice anything out of the..." Gallio hesitates as a young child runs into the living room.

"Grr—and now you will all face my wrath!" the boy calls out as he jumps onto a sofa, thrusting a plastic sword into the air. He's wearing a peculiar mask.

"Austin, you come down from that sofa right now. And take off that bloody mask," his mother barks. "I'm sorry, Agent Gallio. I think letting him keep that mask and buying him that toy sword was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made," she adds with a chuckle. "Now say sorry and go to your room," she tells the boy.

As little Austin runs off, Gallio pauses in shock. My Lord. SOH... the Spirit of Hades. The mask totally matches the description provided by Morris Johns. "That's an interesting mask," Gallio says with a smile, attempting to hide his concern. "I have a young boy as well, and he too always seems to be fascinated by that sort of thing. Do you mind if I have a look at it, and maybe even take a photo of it? I know my son would love something like that."

"Sure, go ahead," Eva says with a raised brow at Gallio's sudden interest in the mask. "I wish I could tell you where you can buy one, but Austin found this one when we moved in here. I had to adjust it so it would fit his face." She laughs.

"Found it?"

"Yeah, the prior owner left it in a box that was headed for the garbage, until Austin got his grubby little hands in there," Eva explains. "And since that day he's been in love with the thing. I probably see that mask more than I see his actual face."

"Did the prior owner have children of his own?"
"Oh no, at the time he sold the house he was single."
"Ah; maybe he was a fencer."
"You know, it's funny this has come up, because I was intending to

ask him about the mask the other evening, but I didn't have a chance." "You still keep in touch?"
"No, no. The other evening was the first time I'd seen him since I bought the house. Sometimes it amazes me, just how small the world really is."

"Oh? What makes you say that?"

"Well, when I saw that it was Mr. Rollins who was giving that speech the other night, I nearly fell out of my chair."

"Mr. Rollins? Kolton Rollins?"

"Yeah, Kolton Rollins, the man I bought this very house from. He delivered such an enlightening speech—are you okay, Agent Gallio?"

Gallio struggles to relax his expression again. "Uh, yes, ma'am. I was just thinking of all those poor souls like your husband, who wake up every day and face the awful battle they do."

Eva nods, then recalls, "I must apologize. You were in the process of asking me a question when my son so rudely interrupted you."

"Oh yeah," Gallio answers, still deep in thought. "I wanted to know if you noticed anything out of the ordinary during or after the presentation."

"The only thing I noticed, sir, were a lot of tears during Kolton's speech, and then a lot of smiles afterward, when Jessica Westgale was kind enough to greet us."

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