Chapter 17

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"It's great news, Nicole!" Hunter shouts as he sees me in the foyer of our headquarters. "We're now at forty-seven percent and Levin's dropped to forty-one percent."

"I guess Carly Taylor's word meant something after all," I say, my preoccupation with Anya tempering my excitement.

His face falls.
"Whoa, I thought you'd be far more enthused."
"Oh, don't get the wrong idea, I'm thrilled to hear the news," I assure him. "But I'm afraid how this whole thing surrounding Anya is going to play out."


"I want to thank you for the generous donation. I promise we'll put the funds to good use," Dane Conroy, the director of New York's Finley Rehab Center, says to Jessica. "And I must tell you, your speech today was very enlightening."

"It's a pleasure to be able to help out," she replies, walking beside him down the hall from his office.

"I was overjoyed to learn Judge Kratz had set up the foundation, and even more thrilled to learn you'd be heading it up for him. I must tell you, I really enjoyed my time working for your father," Dane says, referring to a past study he coordinated for the Westgale Administration on addiction.

"Yes, my father was very pleased with the analysis your team performed," Jessica replies as they enter a common area looking out over the grounds. "The information was of immense value."

Dane warms to the topic. "That's the thing, Jessica. The only way we'll find solutions is to continue studying the problem. I'll always remain committed to helping these people," he says as he looks around the common area, where men and women are relaxing with books or chatting with one another, "but I hope there comes a day when they won't require my help. Now, I understand you personally know one of our subjects: Kolton Rollins."

"Yes," Jessica says as Dane opens a glass door and ushers her outside.

"I'm glad to see he finally found his way out of this place," Dane says. They saunter along a crushed gravel walkway, their shoes crunching over the loose stones. "But due to circumstances I'm not at liberty to disclose, my team has recommended that he continue to see our psychologist on a weekly basis." Dane turns to her just before they reach the street. "I'm disappointed that he hasn't consented to do so. I'd just hate to see him relapse. Perhaps you and Shadow would be wise to address the matter with Luanda, and try to get her to convince Kolton to change his mind."

"I'll do what I can, Mr. Conroy," she assures him as her car pulls up to the curb in front of her.

When Jessica returns home she immediately discusses the matter with Shadow. "I don't want to interfere, but Finley's director is concerned Kolton will relapse if he doesn't continue to receive therapy... And what was all that stuff the other evening about Direct Aim?"

Shadow shrugs. "I don't know, Jessie. I tried to address it with my mother, but just mentioning the subject really stresses her out, so I didn't want to push it. She thinks it's vital to Kolton's well-being that it's left in the past." He exhales heavily. "But I'll try again."


That evening, Shadow sits down for a heart-to-heart conversation with his mother.

"Actually, Kolton wants to continue receiving therapy, but just not with Finley's psychologist," Luanda says when Shadow expresses his and Jessica's concerns.

"How about if Jessica arranged it so he could see the man considered to be the best psychologist in the country, Dr. Evan Durant?"

Luanda's eyes widen. "That'd be incredible," she exclaims. Then she pats his hand and reveals, "Kolton thinks very highly of you, son. In fact, it's because of him I went to visit you that day in the hospital. He was the person who convinced me to do so. I'm so glad I listened to him." She leans forward and kisses him on the cheek.

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