Chapter 6

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This night, sleep won't come. The thought of that pointless war that led to so much heartache, including the senseless death of Maria Ahar, and the tragic impact it has had on both Anya and her father, continues to fill me with overwhelming sadness. I begin thinking back to the most horrific day of my life, just a little more than twenty-five years ago.

When I completed high school, I decided to follow in my father's footsteps and study law. I studied criminal, constitutional, and environmental law at the country's premiere university, Summit. The Democratic president at the time, Jackson Snyder, had been making incredible inroads in convincing Congress to pass several bills that would help with eco-efficiencies. But like the dilemma faced by President Westgale more than two decades later, in order to facilitate these programs, a large amount of government funding was required. By instituting a number of very strict environmental laws, increasing taxes for the country's leading industrialists, and drastically decreasing military funding, Snyder and his administration believed the American government, after decades of failed attempts and false promises, would finally be able to properly fulfill its role in making America a far more peaceful and eco-friendly place to live.

I'll never forget the sound of that siren while attending class at Summit. It had jarred me right out of my seat. I immediately sensed it wasn't a false alarm or some kind of fire drill. I knew that one was for real.

In the preceding months, the largest military cutbacks and the strictest gun laws this country had ever seen had created mass paranoia among right-wing Americans. The political divide had reached frightening new depths. This led to all kinds of speculation that a political uprising might be in the works.

But how could this happen in America? After all, the country's Constitution provided mechanisms that, if push did come to shove, would prevent such a thing. And then there was the military; it very rarely ever became involved in the dark world of politics. But this had been an unprecedented era, with America feeling increasingly threatened by the HKM, a country of immense wealth and power that was more than capable of destroying it. And the night the interview aired on First Source News, that paranoia had become like a giant pitchfork, piercing the heart of the nation.


"Good evening, America, I'm Carly Taylor and you're watching First Source News. I'd like to welcome from an unknown location Mr. Kenneth Pahl, the former chief military commander of the HKM. Mr. Pahl, welcome to First Source News."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Wow, this is incredible. I understand you've asked exclusively to be on First Source this evening to deliver a very serious warning to America."

"Yes, that is correct. I'm appearing with you this evening to warn America that the HKM is currently planning to destroy the infrastructure of several major American cities."

"My God... Do you know when and how this is going to happen?" "I don't know how it'll happen, I just know it will—and soon." "Is this attack being coordinated by the HKM government?" "Yes, coordinated and funded."

"Have you contacted American authorities about this?" "No, that definitely would not be in my best interest."


After the interview, Kenneth Pahl was never heard from or seen again. The American government found itself in a state of confusion, not knowing how seriously Mr. Pahl's warning should be taken. Was he telling the truth? Did he have his own motive? Was he coerced or bribed to come forward? President Snyder placed the country on high security alert, but to many, especially members of a new far-right movement called the Militant Alliance of America, this was not enough. Although no such attack ended up taking place, it was never determined whether the information Kenneth Pahl provided was or wasn't accurate.

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